Papers Please

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Real quick note:
Thank you guys so much for the votes and comments! They mean so much to me! Thank you so much! And we've hit 100+ reads! Thank you guys so much!
When (M/N) had calmed down Tony had helped him into a clean shirt and a pair of his old gym shorts. They were still ridiculously long on him, having to be rolled up a couple of times, but they were decent enough to be worn out into public.

He stuck to Tony's side like glue now, small scarred hands clutching one of his as he guided (M/N) through the tower. Neither of them looked all that impressive, (M/N) in oversized clothes while Tony himself was still in the sweat pants and shirt he'd fallen asleep in. Not exactly the best idea but he'd have to roll with it.

Despite looking a bit like hobos Tony guided them to his Aston Martin. Yeah, going out was the last thing he wanted to do, and he's sure (M/N) didn't exactly want to go out either, but it was better than staying at the Tower without Rhodey

....Rhodey... What was he gonna tell him...? He'd supported Tony through everything, but a kid was the one thing he'd told Rhodes he wasn't interested in. Howard Stark had been a shit Father, and Tony was terrified if he had had a kid he'd end up like him, like an ass hole that never wanted a kid....

Tony knew Rhodey wouldn't agree, knew his friend would practically fight him to get him to believe him, or just straight on fight him for fun. It didn't matter to Rhodey, he knew Tony had cleaned himself up, knew he would never act like his Father, and that was a relief.

Once they were actually to the car Tony set about fussing over (M/N), making sure he was comfortable, making sure he was buckled in correctly, even though his hands were shaking. Without reason, (M/N) reached out, both of his hands gripping one of Tony's. It was gentle, but firm, the kid was trying to get his hands to stop shaking, to calm him down.

"It's alright," (M/N) whispered, his eyes large and wild once again, "Venom'll protect us." It was a statement, something (M/N) believed wholeheartedly. Tony wanted to believe him, but Venom was different, something he'd never been around, something he couldn't trust, but he could trust (M/N).

"Alright," Tony said softly, brushing some stray hairs away from (M/N)'s eyes. The kid was cute, large (E/C) eyes and (S/T) skin, but you know, he's got an alien in him so that's a bit weird. Closing the door Tony circled the car to get into the driver's side, only to find Pepper standing there with the keys hanging from her perfectly manicured hand.

She had a gentle smile on her face, far from how she looked last night. She still looked a bit exasperated, but she didn't look angry, but she was good at that, hiding her anger, she could explode any second now. 

She held the keys out for Tony to take, which he did gingerly. "You've come to yell at me?" He questioned, waiting for all Hell to break loose. 

Pepper chuckled a bit but shook her head, "No Tony, I'm not going to yell at you." Her voice was soft, just like how it had been when he'd first brought (M/N) in, full of affection that he felt he didn't deserve.

"FRIDAY sent me this," she continued on, pulling a neatly folded sheet of paper out of her pocket, "said it was all the stuff you needed to be done today." Tony recognized it, it was the list he'd seethed at Steve just a few minutes ago, full of things he needed to get done for (M/N), some of which Pepper could do...

Pepper let out a light laugh but nodded at the sort of wistful look on Tony's face. "I'll look and see if there are any missing reports that match him, I'll call your renovator and decorator, I'll get a pediatrician here to look him over and I'll order a few books on how to take care of kids." Pepper was beaming, marking things off the list FRIDAY had given her, her smile a bit contagious.

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