chapter 11

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yea this ones short too but im gonna try and post a TON more this week and next week so not to worry!

I entered this story in the Watty Awards, so all your support helps me so much!  you guys dont know how much appreciated it is! <3

and lastly, VOTE/COMMENT/FAN!  I will love you 36789876545678976543456786543567654567654% of the time if you do :)))) - Stephh :] <3


Eli’s POV

He continued getting closer and closer, and I kept trying the door. But still, nothing happened. Then all of a sudden his eyes stopped glowing.

“What the—? Where am I?” he said totally confused. I knew right at that exact moment that he was back to normal.

“Oh thank the Lord! You’re back!” I replied and hugged him.

“Eli is that you? I can’t see anything…”

“Yep. And—” Of course, that’s when the door opened. We fell out backwards and landed on the soft grass of outside the Cloud Guardian. “Well I guess that’s how we get out…”

“What even happened that we wound up there?”

And I told him. He had the strangest expression on his face when I told him about Torri though. It was a mix between a worried expression and a guilty expression.

“Oh my God, Eli, I’m so sorry about that,” he said. “But anyway, do you think we should head back inside?” I nodded and we went back into the Cloud Guardian.

Andy’s aunt was calling, so he answered the phone. “Hello? Yea? Really? Oh, that’s great! Is Jack alright? Yea? Sweet! I’ll call you later and we’ll talk about it more, okay? Alright, love you, bye,” he said as he hung up the phone. Everyone in my circle has agreed that if we wanted someone to know about whatever it was we were talking about, then that person would tell whoever they wanted to. Yea, it’s hard not knowing if it was about you, but that’s just what we’ve agreed to. So I didn’t ask about it, and he didn’t tell me.

We walked in together and nobody even noticed we had left. They were all still around Torri’s lifeless body and—yea I’m just kidding.

What really happened when we walked in was Sammie talking really fast. “Areokay? Bejustraneachandnobodyeverythingwhatwasknewandohmygosh.”

“What?” I said totally confused. Sam made a face at me and repeated herself slowly.

“Are you guys okay? Because you just ran out after each other and nobody knew what was going on.”

“Oh yea we’re all good now,” Andy said smoothly, “just an argument that was blown out of proportion. I’m telling you it’s nothing to worry about anymore…” he pointed behind Sam.

Victoria’s POV

I grinned and picked up the key on the floor in front of us. “Well now I guess we’re both going back!” He smiled at me and we headed toward the middle building, talking about what he thought his parents were going to say when finally woke up after almost ten years.

I made sure Jack went first, so he didn’t stay here. He waved bye and set off.

That’s when I stepped up to the door to leave. But of course, my mind had to second guess itself, and I started thinking about how to confront Andy about him trying to kill me. My mental debate lasted a whole five minutes until I thought that I could just figure it out when I was back in the real world. I stepped up to the door and unlocked it with the key I had just found, and as the door opened, it blinded me with a white light that engulfed the entire world around me. My eyes were squeezed shut and even then the light was blinding.

My whole body went numb for half a second and then it got really dark. I made myself relax and then I opened my eyes. I saw the kitchen ceiling of the Cloud Guardian. When I sat up to look around, Andy pointed at me.

As they all turned to look at me I said, “I know what happened, and I’d like to know why it did.” Everybody but Andy had a look of confusion, so I looked right at him. “Tell them what you did, Andy. Tell them that you spiked my drink with demon poison. Tell them you thought I was possessed. Do they know you did the exact same thing to your cousin? Do they even know about Jack?”

“Shut up.”

“No I will not shut up! They have the right to know that you tried killing a member of the circle!”

“I wasn’t trying to kill you.”

“Then why’d you spike my drink with demon poison? Trying to give me energy? That’s what poison is, right? Energy drink?”

“Torri. We can talk about this later. I have an explanation.”

“No were talking now. Anything you can say to explain this now can be said in front of them. They have the right to know what kind of monster is in the circle putting their lives at risk.” And Sammie’s powers intervened at this moment, causing us to say things that I didn’t want to say. “But fine, we’ll work this out later.” Nobody will ever understand how much I wanted to speak my mind at that precise moment in time. I wanted them to know exactly what he was capable of and exactly what he was willing to do because he didn't like one thing about you that didn't ever happen. I'm starting to not be able to stand these people. I can't wait till whatever this entire reason they brought me into this is done.

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