chapter 8

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hey guys! this isn't that great, but i'm going to be away for a week now and then another week soon after that, so you're going to have to deal. i know it leaves on a cliffhanger, but you're going to have to deal with that too c:

and about the end... i was writing it the day after watching "Hide & Seek" with my friends sooooooo.... yea don't ask.

well can all you awesome people that are kind enough to read my terrible story, can you please comment with your feedback? THANKS! comment/vote/fan -steph :) <3


Andrew’s POV

At about 4am the next morning, I woke up to someone knocking frantically on my door.

“Andy, please wake up. We have an issue,” Kelsea sounded worried.

“Ugh! What is such an issue that you have to wake me up at four in the morning?” I angrily yelled back at her.

“Torri—” I snapped up into a sitting position and my eyes went wide. Scrambling to get clothes on, I got to Kelsea’s side of the door.

“Let’s go,” I said as I shut the door behind me.

Eli’s POV

I sat there, on a stool beside the counter, rocking back and forth. I was hugging my knees to my chest and my eyes were slowly beginning to overflow. Salty tears rolled down my face, dripping off my chin, and forming a wet patch on the knees of my black skinny jeans. What happened to her?

Earlier this morning, around 3am, I woke up to get a drink of water. I walked into the kitchen, and this is where I found Torri out cold, on the counter, with the lights on.

Backing out the door, and leaving it open, I ran down the hallway towards Miss Stella’s room. She’d know exactly when I would be at her door, and probably knew I was on my way right now. At least I wouldn’t have to wake her up… As I lifted my hand to knock on the door, it swung open to reveal a tired-looking Miss Stella.

“Eli, what are you doing here at,” she looked at the digital clock on her nightstand, “twenty to four in the morning?”

“It’s Torri. I don’t even know how to explain it. Just come with me,” I replied so quickly I’m not even sure of exactly what I’d said.

She nodded her head, so I took that as a signal to lead her back to the kitchen. I sprinted all the way back and looked at Miss Stella when she saw it. She stood there with her eyes open wide and a dropped jaw.

She mumbled something right before taking off, and then came back a few minutes later with Miss Carmen.

Miss Carmen told me to wake up the rest of my circle. I have no idea what they talked about when I was gone, but I got everyone else in my circle in on what was going on. But when I got back, they were gone.

“So, nobody knows what happened to her?” Andy asked.

In a perfect world, everybody would’ve said no. But I had talked to Torri after Andy had. She told me about her dream and what Andy had said to Sam. “Do you know what happened to her?” I replied in a way that said I knew he did something.

“What did you do to her?” Sammie snapped at Andy.

“She possessed me yesterday, Sam! I thought it wasn’t her! All I did was spike her drink last night at dinner with demon poison! I thought it wasn’t supposed to hurt Hunters anyway!” Andy yelled back.

“Well, you were wrong!” Kelsea and Derek said at the same time.

“It never hurt me and I dealt with it for three years of my life!” Andy tried again to defend himself.

Sammie replied with, “Well your power is fighting abilities! Of course it’s not going to hurt you!”

Unable to think of a good reply, Andy started pacing. Kelsea was now trying to read Torri’s thoughts, as if she was still alive, and Derek was moving things around in the medicine cabinet trying to find a remedy. Sammie was just glancing back and forth between Torri and Andy, and I was sitting on a stool being silent. Not happy with what progress was being made, Sammie was rattling off ways to figure it out.

“Why don’t we get my mom? Is there even a cure for demon poison? Would the fae queen know what we can do? What if we—”

“It’s not like it’s going to kill her!” Andy snapped back.

“This has happened to you before?” Sammie questioned his knowledge.

“Not me, but my cousin.”

“Well what happened?” I asked so quietly that it could just barely be heard.

“He’s been in a coma since it happened… But it’s not like he died or anything!”

“Yea, but what if there’s a demon inside her?” Derek chimed in.

“I don’t know! I don’t know! Can you all just leave me alone?”

“Actually, no. We can’t! She trusted you, Drew! And you just spewed it back in her face!” I knew this was a battle I shouldn’t have been fighting, but it was time for this to go down. “At least everyone else doesn’t try to kill her because you think she’s got a demon inside her!”

“I never thought that!” Andy’s eyes glowed red and I knew he wanted to rip me to shreds, so I ran. Of course Andy was chasing after me, so I couldn’t stop. I knew exactly what I was looking for, but had no idea of where it was. It’s too early for this…

I turned the corner and saw it at the end of the corridor. The portal I created. Nobody knows of it except me—and Torri. I thought of my room here and opened the portal long before getting close to it. I did that so I could close it right after I got through. This way, Andy can’t get through and beat me to a pulp.

I was about a step away from the portal and I knew I wasn’t going to be able to close it in between us. I went through the portal and wound up in my room, but where was Andy? I decided that I should hide while I still could.

My panic button turned on when the closet door was halfway closed and Andy came hurtling through the portal. If I could make it to the secret door in the back of it in a few seconds, I would be fine. But when I opened the little door, Andy opened the closet door.

“Wanna play a game?” he said, eyes still glowing red.

“A g-game?” I stuttered, so confused.

“How about hide and seek? I’ll give you some time.” He covered his eyes. “One, one-thousand. Two, one-thousand. Three, one-thousand.” I scrambled through the door and heard him getting louder. “Four, one-thousand! Five one-thousand!” I had no idea of where this door went to, let alone what I was going to do after getting out of there. “SIX, ONE-THOUSAND. SEVEN, ONE-THOUSAND.” The only light I had was the end of the little bit that came from my room. I saw nothing but tunnel in front of me. “EIGHT, ONE-THOUSAND! NINE, ONE-THOUSAND! TEN! HERE I COME!”

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