Prologue and Chapter 1

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Have you ever thought that you were different? Far more different than anyone else in the world? Like there is something seriously wrong with you?

When I was thirteen, I had a dream (more of a nightmare, to be exact). I was walking home, alone, from my art class down the block. It was just starting to get dark out, and no one was at my house yet. I unlocked the front door with the key on the chain around my neck, as I did every Tuesday night, and walked into the dark house. Immediately after I put my bag down, I was attacked by a tall-ish dark-haired guy that looked about my age, fifteen. He had a big butcher’s knife and before I had the chance to react, he plunged the knife into my neck. I had just barely screamed before I woke up.

About a month after this nightmare, I had another. I was running through a forest with two girls, two guys, and the guy that stabbed me. We were looking around for something. We found a giant centipede, and I’m not sure if it was what we were looking for, but we killed it anyway. All six of us had some sort of injury, and we weren’t doing so well. The brunette guy had attempted at stabbing it in the back, but it snapped around and knocked him off of his feet, sending him flying backwards into a cliff. One of the girls and I ran over to him, only to find out that he was dead. Meanwhile, the other girl had gotten the centipede thing to run into another guy’s dagger.

I know what you’re thinking: What’s so special about your ability to have sick and twisted dreams? Well, two years after I had the dreams, they actually happened. I really did get stabbed in the neck in my own house by a complete stranger. There’s a huge scar on the left side of my neck. I have and always will have a burning hatred for the guy that stabbed me. Even if he doesn’t know it.

And now, the day I turned sixteen, my mom left me alone in the house. She probably went to look for my father, who’d been missing for years, again. A few weeks passed and I looked up from reading my book when I heard somewhat quieted footsteps. Right there in front of me, stood the five kids from my dreams.

You,” I said, anger filling my voice. “You’re the one who stabbed me.”

“Yes, but it needed to be done. You’d have never been able to help the rest of us Hunters. We’d never be able to find you again,” the boy said, my fist stopping short as I went to punch him in the face. What? “And you’d have been attacked by Slayghters and Goeles. If I didn’t do that, then you would be with the Nightlighters right now, probably doing their bidding.”

“Listen, Victoria,” the blonde girl said, “where’s the charm?”

“What’re you t—”

“The butterfly charm!” the blonde-haired boy interjected. He looked sort of familiar, but I knew he couldn’t be. I knew exactly what it was he was talking about, and it was on the chain around my neck. My mother had given it to me before she left. It truly was the only reason I was still alive.

“In my jewelry box? It’s not of value… No diamonds or gold or anything,” I replied; the five looked at me like I was crazy.

“NO VALUE!” the blonde girl screamed. “If that were to get into the hands of the Forbiddens, who knows what will happen!”

I sat there silently, contemplating what to say next. “I’m sorry, but I didn’t catch your names or why you’re here.”

“Sammie,” the blonde girl stated while pointing to herself. She seems conceited, I thought.

“Eli,” the brunette said. “Sorry about the scar on your neck… We all have them, if that makes it any better…”

“Andy,” the blonde guy added as he looked up from gazing around my living room.

“Kelsea,” the black-haired girl said and turned to the last guy. “And that’s Derek.”

“Yup. And you’re the last member of our circle,” Derek, the guy that stabbed me, yelled as if it were the best thing that could ever happen.


Finally got my first chapter thingy up! YAYYYY!!!!!!! Comment/Vote/Fan :* shmanxx

cover thingy on the side from when i asked for a cover.. made by: SpacerX

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