chapter 9

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hey everyone! i'm going on vacation again, and i would like to update you on this! :D i worked on this chapter all evening, so i hope you enjoy it! alright, moving on: can i have some feedback just so i know people are reading it? even just a comment that says 'please update soon' is fine. i just want to know that someone is reading it, other than my best friends. Please and thank you!

Anyway... i will be updating longer and hopefully quicker because this is in the watty awards!!!!!! ahhhhhhhh!   so i have to get over 30 pages on this by the end of september. if its not there by the end of september, im going to go back to my normal schedule, which will hopefully be every week, but will probably result to once a month because of school.

alright thats enough from me. COMMENT/VOTE/FAN! Thanks! -Steph :) <3


Victoria’s POV

I don’t know how I got here, let alone why I’m here. This place seems to be the Cloud Guardian, but I don’t think it’s the one I was at before. It’s definitely unfamiliar and I have no clue if anybody else is even here. I decided to look down the hallway to my left, only to see someone wandering around.

“Hello?” I called out to the person. He turned around and stared at me, and then he started walking towards me. Of course, I panicked and started running down another hallway.

“No wait! Come back! I’m not going to hurt you! I can help!” he yelled out to me and I stopped dead in my tracks.

“How?” I turned around; he was a few steps away from me.

“I’m Jack Ashwood. By the looks of it, I’m guessing you’re Fae?”

“Wrong. Are you trying to hit on me? I’m a Hunter, by the way.”

“No and I’m one too. And I didn’t catch your name, by the way,” he said, mocking me.

“Yay. At least we know someone can count. Victoria Rosethorn.”

“Oh. So you must know Andy, great.”

“Of course I know Andy! And if you’re his cousin Jack then we know each other.”

“What? How?”

“Me and Andy knew each other since we were practically infants. And you’re nine years older than us. So how do you still look sixteen?”


“It’s Torri.”

“Whatever. I’ll tell you a little about this place after I show you around and show you to where your room is.”

He showed me the entire place that was created here specifically for Fae and Hunters to stay if they’ve been affected by demon poison. There were three buildings: one that looked like a Cloud Guardian, one that looked like one of those glass buildings in the Fae world, and the middle one that looked like a mix between the two.

When I first got here, I was in the middle one used for new people here. It was just to show the new people around and give them the basics of why they’re here and what they must do to get out as soon as possible. Apparently, Jack was assigned to be my tour guide person. And my room is also right next to his. I’m really going to enjoy this. Yay. And I hope my sarcasm was noticed…

Jack insisted on coming to my room and hanging around for a while, but I told him no. I just wanted to get out of his presence. He was almost exactly like Derek, just a bit worse. I miss Derek, I thought to myself.

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