chapter 4

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Victoria’s POV

The white had died off and I was on the top floor of a building, in the penthouse. A forty- or fifty-year-old man with slightly graying hair was staring out the window about ten feet away from me.

"Can you please just tell me who you are and why you brought me here?" I asked as politely as possible, trying not to get the man aggravated.

"I am Blackwell, and I needed you to finish the ceremony. You also need to be let in on a few things. Victoria, you are a Hunter, a fighter," Blackwell replied.

"Can’t you tell me something that I don’t


know and then let me leave?"

"Oh hahahaha! You’re hilarious!" he paused. "I’ll tell you whatever you want to know, but you’re not going to leave that easily. Not until I’m done with you and long gone. You’ll be lucky if anyone can even find you here."

"What do you need me for?"

"I need your power. You’re a monster, Victoria. And monsters hurt everyone and everything around them—don’t you

dare say anything—there’s nothing to do about it now, though, considering what’s been done can’t be changed. It’s not reversible. Your

circle will suffer the most from this. Other circles won’t have to defend themselves against the most dangerous thing to have existed. But you’ve never known. You can’t even tell that Eli is heels over head in love with you, yet he hates you because you don’t care. Kelsea hates you with a burning passion and honestly would kill you if it wasn’t such an issue. Meanwhile Derek can’t possibly have any more lust towards you. And then there’s Sam and Andrew… Whoa… Andrew just wants to stop saving you left and right. Sam just hates you because everything happens to her and you turn out to be that everything. She’ll just keep pointing out that you didn’t grow up with this as your life. You will never be a true fighter, only a human that can never catch a break. And to top it all off, can you believe that the most-hated man in the world is your father?"



my father?" He nodded. "Then you’re Derek and Kelsea’s father too?"

"I’m your father, but not theirs. Derek and Kelsea’s father is my brother. We both have our mother’s eyes. But when we were born, our parents knew there was something wrong when they had twin boys. Every family can only have a boy and a girl for kids. I don’t know why, but it just happens. Women never hunt while they’re pregnant, but my mom did. Somehow she got demon ashes inside her, and my genetics were changed. The demon ashes didn’t affect me much. But they’ve already affected you. Enough about you and more about me… So when I was born, my mom


there was something wrong with me and tried to kill me. But I defended myself and killed her.

"My dad didn’t care that there was something wrong. He thought that overtraining me would straighten me out, but I wound up killing him too. My brother went to go live with our aunt while it was said that I didn’t exist. I was perfectly fine with that, considering I didn’t want to be noticed until I was unbeatable. I wandered the streets of the city and killed more people. But—"

Then, of course, I had to wake up before I heard anything else.

"Do you really?" the five said at the same time.

"Well, yea, the first part," Eli said. Could they have read my dream?

"No, not really," Kelsea, Sammie, and Andy had said quietly.

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