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(Not incest ya nasty)

You sat beisde your older brother Spencer as you watched a movie. It was about 10:30 and you were getting hungry. "Can I get a snack?" You asked him since it was his apartment.

"Y/n how many times have I told you, you don't have to ask, your my sister and you practically live here" he chuckled makeing you smile. You got up and made your way to the kitchen. You found some Oreos that you made spencer buy you the other day and sat them on the counter.

You opened the cabinet to get a glass for some water but when you went to sit it on the counter it must've slipped and fell to the kitchen floor with a loud crash. You yelped and quickly got on your knees to clean it up.

Spencer quickly appeared in the kitchen with wide eyes. "Y/n! What happened" he said worried. His eyes fell on you and his demeanor softened. "Im sorry, I'll clean it up- im sorry Spencer" you said quickly as tears clouded your vision.

Spencer quickly steped over the glass and pulled you up. "Y/n" he said gently. You looked up at him and sniffled. "Im sorry" you said softly. "Don't." He warned.

"Theres nothing to say sorry for, it was a accident. Did you get hurt?" He asked as he inspected your hands. You blushed and noded, "I think some glass cut my knee when I went to clean it up" you sighed shakely.

He noded and brought you to the bathroom. He sat you on the closed toilet lid and kneelled down infront of you. He got a small first aid kit from under the sink and started to clean up your knee.

You winced and bit your lip as he rubbed disinfectant over the cut. "I know it hurts, im almost done" he said quickly. You noded and soon he was done.

"There, good as new" he smiled as he stood up. You smiled up at your brother. "Thank you" you said and stood up as well. He pulled you into a hug "your welcome, now lets clean up that glass and get back to our movie"

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