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You sighed as you walked into the office with Garcia beisde you. "Oh my goodness! I can't believe its a-mfh" you quickly put your hand over her mouth. "Shush! I don't want anyone to know yet. Its gonna be a surprise" you smiled. "Oh even more exciting!" Garcia gushed. She had went with you to the docter to find out the babys gender since Spencer was busy with a case. You both went to her woman-cave and sat down. You rubbed your swolen belly and sighed. "So when are they getting back?" You asked Garcia. "Should be back in a few minutes!" She smiled and rolled her chair over to you. "I can't wait for my god child to get here" she signed happily. "Me neither" you smiled. You both chatted for a while until the team arived. Garcia helped you up and you two walked into the bullpen. "Y/N!" Spencer smiled and hugged you before he pecked your lips. "How was the docters appointment?" He aksed. "Good. Everything is going fine" she said. "Yeah but she's keeping the gender a secret!" Garcia smiled. "I thought we could do a cute gender reveal with everyone this weekend" she suggested. "Yes! That would be so cute" Garcia screatched. "That sounds wonderfully honey" Spencer smiled at you.

You sat at your desk bored out of your mind. Hotch had put you on desk duty since you were so far along in your pregnancy. Derek had been vary protective since the begining but since your belly was getting bigger and you had trouble doing alot more he was even more protective. You smiled when you saw the team walk into the bullpen. "Hey mama" derek smirked as he gave you a kiss. "Hey. How did it go?" You asked. "We got em" he smiled. "Good-" your face scrunched up and you felt a slight pain in your stomach. "Um..Derek. I think the baby is comeing" you said as you looked up at him. "Are you serious!?" He yelled makeing everyone look at him. You noded and he quickly helped you stand up. "Is everything okay?" Emily asked as she walked over. JJ and Spencer trailed behind her. "Y/N is going into labor" Derek said nervously. The whole team sorta freaked out and helped you to the car. Derek drove you to the hospital and soon you were being prepped to give birth. Five hours of excruciating pain later your baby boy was born. "Hes so beautiful" you cryed as you held him skin to skin. Derek stood beside you with tears in his eyes. "You did great honey" he said and kissed your head.

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