hospital visits!¡

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{Your 13 in this}

All you remember is wakeing up and not being able to breathe. You tryed to scream for your parents but all that came out was a squeak. You got out of bed to go to your parents room but you must've fainted.

You woke up to a beeping sound and bright lights in your face. You had a breathing mask on your face and alot of tubes and such connected to you. You looked over and saw your Dad derek asleep in the chair next to your hospital bed.

Your head snaped up as you heard the door open. "Y/N!" Your mom Garcia yelled as she ran over and hugged you. This must've woken up Derek because he was hugging you too.

Once everyone pulled away you noticed they where crying. "What happened" you asked tiredly. "Your lungs filled up with fluid and caused you to not be able to breathe and faint" Derek explained to you.

You noded. This had been happening since you where little. You thought they fixed the problem last time you where in the hospital but I guess not.

"Am I gonna be okay" you asked nervously. Your mother noded "they said you should be okay but just incase you should have someone with you at all times" Garcia said as she ran her fingers through your hair.

You noded "is everyone eals here too?" You asked. "Yeah. Want them to come in?" Derek asked. You noded tiredly and he left to retrieve eveyone from the waiting room.

Your mother took his seat beisde your bed and kept petting your head lovingly and helped you drink some water.

A moment later your father walked back in with Spencer, JJ, Emily and Hotch behind him.

"Hey trooper how do you feel" Emily asked. "Im okay. Kinda tired" you smiled and She smiled back. "hey Y/N I got you this" Spencer said as he handed you a stuffed panda. You smiled "thanks" you said happily. He noded and patted your head.

The rest of the team talked to you for a while before they had to leave. Your mom and dad said on eaither side of you. Your mom played with your hair and your dad held your hand.

"I love you guys" you mumbled tiredly.

"We love you too munchkin" Derek said and kissed your cheek.

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