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trigger warning! Mentions on rape in first person. Don't read if your sensitive to this topic. Stay safe💕

Garcia ran into the bullpen spewing out sentences to fast for anyone to understand. Morgan held her shoulders shushing her. "Hey babydoll calm down. Now whats wrong?" He asked. "My sister! She didn't come home last night and she won't answer her phone. Shes not like that!" She said on the verge of tears.

"Mabye she's stayed at a friend's or boyfriends" JJ suggested. "No she would've called me and she dosen't even have a boyfriend" Garcia sighed shakely. "One night stand? Maybe she-" "What No! Shes terrified of that kind of stuff" Garcia cryed.

Morgan held Garcia as she cryed and JJ went to gather the rest of the team.

~Last night around 10:30~

You were walking home from your friend Rose's house when you noticed a guy following you. You were trying to text your sister but you had no signal.

As you tryed to dial her number a hand around your mouth stoped you. Something cold and mental pressed against your back. "Scream and I'll shoot you" the man hissed.

You remember how many times your sister had lectured you on what to do in a situation like this. You noded and the man removed his hand. "My car is down that ally. If you cooperate with me I'll give you a treat" he purred. You whimpered and noded as he led you to his car.

Once in the car he smiled "I don't want you to see your surprise princesses" he said before he hit you on the side of your head with his gun. You gasped and everything went blurry before you passed out.

~in the present~

Garcia paced the office as the team worked on getting a profile together. "Rose said she last saw Y/N and she left fine and she didn't act weird at all" Emily said as she walked into the room.

"Ugh! Someone had to have seen her!" Garcia groaned. "Guys someone called the police last night saying they saw a suspicious guy following a girl, that looks like Y/N" Rossi said as he entered the room.

"Okay Morgan and JJ head to were she was seen being followed. Spencer and Emily go talk to the person who called last night" hotch said. Everyone went there separate ways. "What about me?" Garcia asked. "Your not going into the field. This case is to personal, but im not takeing you off the case all together. When we get more information we'll tell you" hotch said as he patted Garcia's shoulder.

~Meanwhile Y/N is wakeing up~

You woke up and slowly opened your eyes. You looked around and saw you were in some kind of basement or cellar.

Your hands and legs tired to the chair with rope. The rope was to tight and would probably leave bruises and/or rope burn.

You looked up when you saw the man from earlier walk in. "Your awake! Finally" He said happily. You noded not wanting to talk. Your throat was dry and hurt a bit.

"Don't wanna talk huh? Its okay I'll do most of the talking anyways hun" he said as he walked over to you and cupped your cheek.

You whimpered and he tilted his head. "Are you thirsty princess? It was a long ride here" he smiled. You noded and he grabbed a water bottle from behind you. Theres probably a table or something behind me, you guessed

He helped you drink the water and set the bottle on the ground beisde you. "W-Why did you bring me here" you asked quietly. "Theres that beautiful voice! Your with me because I just had to save you hun. Your to innocent to be out in this cruel world" he said as he caressed your cheek.

You slowly noded "why me?" You asked. "Why not, Your gorgeous and vary sexy might I add" he smirked as he tucked a stray hair behind your ear. You shivered "um thanks" you said getting more uncomfortable by the second. "Will you be a good girl if I untie you? I wanna play a game" he smiled as he ran his finger down your arm. You gulped but noded.

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