Baby boy!

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Y/N sighed as she layed in the hospital bed. She has been here for a while waiting to be dailated all the way and give birth but the child inside her was being stubborn.

"Hey Y/N" said a familiar voice from the doorway. Y/N looked over and saw Spencer and the team behind him. "Hey" she smiled.

"You doing okay?" JJ asked as everyone walked inside. "Other then being extremely bored and slightly in pain yeah" she laughed.

"Has Andrew showed up?" Rossi asked. You shook your head with a disgusted look "no and im glad. He said he didn't want this baby when I found out I was pregnant so hes sure as hell not gonna come back now" Y/N said.

"Good. Hes a jerk" Garcia mumbled. "Yeah and no one ever liked him anyways" derek laughed. She smiled then groaned. "Contraction?" JJ questioned as she held her hand.

"Ugh yeah" she said as she layed her head back. Soon a docter walked in and made everyone leave so she could check how dialayed Y/N is.

Turns out she was ready to start pushing.


Four hours in the team were sitting in the waiting room. JJ had joined Y/N during labor since she asked her and JJ knew she needed emotional support. 

Suddenly JJ walked into the waiting room.  "Is she okay?" Spencer asked as he stood up. "Well she fainted halfway through so they had to do a emergency seasection" JJ explained.

Everyone looked at eachother nervously. "She'll be okay. Its Y/N shes always okay" Garcia said nervously.


After an hour of waiting anxiously a docter walked into the waiting room. "Y/N L/N?"

Everyone stood up and rushed over to him. "Is she alright?" Garcia asked. "Shes stable, her body was haveing alot of trouble with delivering the baby so she passed out. We did an emergency c-section and shes successfully delivered a healthy baby boy" the docter smiled.

"Can we see her?" JJ asked. "Yes, shes awake in room 495 on the second floor" the docter smiled before walking away.

The team hurried to her room. When they got there they saw Y/N holding a bundle of blue blankets. She looked up and smiled tiredly at everyone. "Hey, how ya doin babygirl?" Derek asked.

"Im okay, sorry if I scared you guys" she chuckled. "Its alright, now lets see this cutie" Rossi said as he walked over to her.

The baby had his dads ginger hair, his mothers E/C eyes and the cutest chubby cheeks. Rossi teared up as he looked down at the baby. "Wanna hold him?" Y/N asked.

Rossi noded and was handed the baby. He smiled as he held the small child. "What did you name him?" Emily asked. "Ashton, Reid L/N" Y/N said as she glanced at Spencer.

Spencer smiled "really?" He asked as he started to tear up. "Of course, you read to me about pregnancy so I knew what would happen, made sure the baby and I were okay and comfortable, and gave me a place to stay when Andrew threw me out" she said softly as she tryed not to cry.

Spencer walked over and hugged her. "Thank you" he mumbled. "No problem" she said as they pulled away.

"Do you want to hold him Spence" JJ asked who was now holding the baby. Spencer noded and JJ showed him how to hold the baby before handing him to Spencer.

Spencer smiled as he looked down at the baby. Tears ran down his face as he quietly talked to the baby.

"So who are the god parents?" Garcia asked. "You of course, and Spencer" Y/N smiled. Garcia squealed and started talking to the baby in spencers arms.

"Im gonna spoil you and buy you whatever you want. Im so excited!"

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