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Y/n growled as she stood infront of the metal table. The man sitting, handcuffed to the chair he was in smirked.

"You bastard. You know who killed all those girls! You understand your gonna take all the heat just to save a murders ass!" Y/N raised her voice.

"Tsk tsk, your to pretty for such words" he said lustfuly as he leaned forward.
She huffed "and your to stupid to understand what will happen to you" she spat.

"Oh? What are you gonna do agent? Cause I know exactly what I would do to you" he bit his lip.

The team stood behind the glass watching the whole ordeal. "Just let me go in there!" Rossi begged hotch.

"Rossi. I understand you don't like the way hes talking to her but if I let you in there you won't think clearly" Hotch said. Rossi sighed angrily and crossed his arms.

"Look you insisted to talk to me and you got me here" you sighed beginning to get anoyed. "Okay, Okay. I tell you what I know for a night alone with you" the man smirked makeing you want to slap it off his face.

Suddenly the door opened and Rossi walked in with Morgan behind him. Rossi glared at the man. "Do you talk to ever woman like that" he sethed at the man then pulled you out of the room.

Rossi pulled you into his office and shut the door and the blinds before sitting down and sighing.

"David" you sighed as you walked over to him. "I know. I let my emotions control me" he said sadly. You smiled sadly and hugged your husband.

His arms wrapped around your waist. "No man should talk to you like that. Or any woman for that matter" he sighed. You pulled away and he stood up.

"I know but its my job. Im gonna have people talk to me like that. JJ and Emily have probably been through the same thing" you said.

He noded. "Alright. Lets go back. But im gonna be in that room with you" he said. You smiled and kissed him. "Alright"

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