Episode Twelve - The Trials of Leadership

Comenzar desde el principio

"Well he sure hasn't changed." Keith says, walking outside the room.

"Yeah," Lance pipes up. "He's still totally a jerk. By the way anyone else find it weird that we just fought another version of him from-"

"He's worse than just a jerk." Allura huffs. "He's a monster. I can't believe the alteans of the Colony worship him."

"It's all they know." Keith points out.

"I know." She sighs. "That's the problem."

With that Allura walks away. Keith makes as if follow her, but hesitates. He shakes his head, then turns to the others. "We should try to figure out our next plan of attack. For that we're going to need information. Pidge, did you managed to get anything off the data you snatched?"

"Most of the juicy stuff seems to be heavily encrypted, so unfortunately I don't have much." Pidge explains. "I'm going to get to work on a decryption, but that might take a while."

"Alright, let me know when you have something. Everyone else...I guess just take some time to relax or whatever else you wanna do, just stay alert. I want us to be able to move on a moment's notice."

"Roger that." Hunk says saluting.

"Yeah, yeah." Lance waves a dismissive hand.

Keith nods to them. "If anyone needs me, I'm going to be talking to the warlords in their camp outside. I guess there's been some kind of trouble lately, and I'm kind of afraid to find out what it is." Keith almost seems to shiver.

The other three Paladins wave to Keith as he departs.

"Welp," Hunk says, "I promised my family I'd eat with them when I got back, so I'll see you guys layer."

And with that he departs.
Leaving only Lance and Pidge. Silence swallows the hallway, as the two struggle to look everywhere but at each other. Lance clears his throat awkwardly. Pidge shifts with discomfort.

"-I" They both start to say.

The two share a grimace. Lance motions for Pidge to go on.

"I...should really get to work on that decryption." She manages to get out.

"Oh...uh, yeah you should go do that then. I'm uh...gonna go see if Keith needs help with the...thing."

"G-good." Pidge stammers "...have fun."

"I...will." Lance nods far too formally.

They turn and walk in opposite directions, as fast as humanly possible.

"Hey Keith, wait up!" Lance yells.

Keith stops and turns, bearing a curious expression.

"Need help with that stuff with the galra?"


"Of course you do!" Lance says, throwing an arm over the other boy's shoulder. "Let's get to it."

"Ri...right." Keith says, looking thoroughly confused.


The Twins of the altean Colony are ushered inside a Garrison cell, by a pair of guards. The door hisses shut behind them. The Twins take stock of the room, and quickly notice the cell's other inhabitants.

"Vatta!" Dramor exclaims.

The girl stands bolt upright, and the two dash into an embrace.

"...I thought you were dead." Dramor eventually says.

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