New Seats // The Confrontation

417 18 5

TW: Abuse

Virgils POV

I run into school late. The lady at the front office smiles at me and hands me a late pass. I go to homeroom and when I step inside I hear Patton scream. "He IS heere!!" He points at me and I feel very exposed. I give the teacher- now named Mr. Mr. I dont know why, don't ask- the pass and sit in the back behind Patton.

After a minute I tap him on the shoulder. He turns around smiling. "Hey, whats up Kiddo?" He whispers. He looks down at my sweat Shirt and smiles. I forgot, Patton made it for me last year. It is black with patches of purple plaid that he sewed on. 

"I need to talk to you tonight. My house after school?" He nods and turns back around, face suddenly serious.

I go to geography and sit in the back right once again. I dont see Roman yet but I know he'll be here. As if on que he walks in. He starts to walk to the seat next to me when Danielle sits down. He glares at her and sits two rows ahead of us where she usually sits. I glare at her for a second but stop as soon as she gives me a look. Her look says, try-me-and-I'll-beat-your-ass. And shes not kidding. I flinch then smile at her and her face changes to happy.

I look up to see Roman staring at us. He has a weird look on his face half-angry and half-concerned. When he sees me looking at him. He turns around and faces the teacher. I look at him throughout class and he doesn't turn around again. Not. Once.

*After School*

I run outside and see Patton standing alone at the entrance. Danielle walks out of the school and spots me standing by myself. I grab his arm and run to my car. He gets into the passanger seat and looks at me confused. "Kiddo?"

I say that someone might have stopped us from leaving and that id explain later. He nods and doesnt question me anymore but I can tell hes still confused. That was so close! Danielle almost got me again!!

When we get home I go to the stairs to my room but Im stopped in the hall by Mom. Her arm goes to the opposite wall, stopping me from passing. She scowls at me.

"Hey, mom. Patton is over to hang out for a little bit," I nod to behind me and her face softens. She moves her arm and hugs Patton.

"Of course, honey!" Then to Patton Stay as long as you'd like!" She walks down to her room. Fake bitch. I run upstairs to my room, Patton following suit.

I close the door and we both sit on my bed. I look at Patton and start bawling. He hugs me and waits.

"I'm sorry Pat," I say. "Dont hate me please."

He looks at me confused. "I could never hate you Kiddo. What is it?"

I take a deep breath and prepare myself for the worst. "Pat, I'm g-"

"VIRGIL ANGEL!! WHERE ARE YOU?" my dad screams from downstairs. I look at Patton terrified.

"Patton," I whisper. "Get in the closet. No matter what, DO NOT COME OUT!"

I push him into the closet and he nods. A tear falls down his face as I close the door. He doesn't like yelling.

"I'm in the hall dad!" I yell as I run into the hall. He comes staggering upstairs. Hes drunk! He has a wine bottle in his hand.

"You been cheating on your girlfriend?" He screams. I shake my head no. He takes a step toward me. "No? Then what was ya doing with that other boy at school?" My eyes widen. Danielle told him about after school. Shit. I knew when she didnt text me that something was wrong.

"I swear dad. Im not!" I say. He punches me in the gut.

"YOU FUCKING LIAR! I KNOW WHAT YOUVE BEEN DOING YOU GOOD FOR NOTHING FAGGOT!!!" He throws the bottle at me and it hits me in the right arm. The glass shards stick out of my arm and the rest of the bottle falls on the floor.

"Dad!" I cry. Tears are falling down my face as the blood falls down my arm. He walks up to me and grabs my face.

"You are NO son of mine!" He says through clenched teeth. Then he punches my face. Over and over again he hits me; face, neck, stomach, leg. It doesnt stop. Soon he lets go of me and I fall to the ground. My right arm hits the ground first and all the glass in my arm goes deeper. I scream.

"MOM! HELP ME!!" I scream. I just want my mom. Where is Mom?

"Your mom cant help you now!" My dad screams.

Hes going to kill me! Somehow I manage to crawl into my room and lock the door behind me.

"Patton!" I say hoarsely. He opens the closet door. Hes sobbing. "Go out the window!"

He hesitates and comes to me. I push him away. "GO!" Patton turns around one more time and I see the terror in his eyes. Oh no, what have a done? Ive broken Patton. I'm so sorry! Finally he goes out the window. "Dont tell anyone!" I scream after him.

Dad comes in and sees Patton leaving. "So you are cheating with another FAGGOT!" He screams. "Youre going to regret that!!" He punches me. And the punches keep coming. Hes hitting me again and again.  Anywhere he can reach. I scream for Mom. She doesnt come. I used to think mom was a superhero. Not anymore. Ill never forgive her. I pass out. AGAIN.

{Hey! I hope you enjoyed! Comment below what you want to see in future chapters. I might not use all of the ideas but I will read them! Well, Guys, Gals and NonBianary Pals, PEACE!!}

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