I'm Gay // I'm Sorry

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{As I started writing this, my phone auto corrected Virgil to Virgin. 😂 I'm dead XD}
TW: Abuse, bad words

Virgil's POV

I arrive at school and nervously look around. Even though I've been going to this school for five years and I know every kid here I still get scared coming here. I spot Patton and Logan in the sea of people. Patton sees me too and waves me over.

"Hey, Kiddo!" He says cheerily. Logan nods in welcome.

"Hey, Pat."

We walk to homeroom, which we all have together and sit in our seats. My seat is all the way in the back left corner with Patton in front of me and Logan to his right. Even though I'm behind them I can feel the tension between them. Just admit your feelings already! I'm one to talk, I'm terrified if even saying I love you to Patton and he's my best friend.

Homeroom ends and I walk to first period alone since Patton and Logan have math and I have Geography.

The teacher greets me at the door with a fake smile.

"Welcome to class sit wherever you would like!" I nod and walk away fast. After scanning the room I see that there are a few people I know. I see Michael, a kid who seems cool but is antisocial kid like me, his friend Jeremy, and a girl named Danielle who my parents adore for some reason. Other than that, I dont know people.

None of those are people that I want to spend the rest of the school year next to. So, I go to the back of the room away from everyone else and sit down in the right corner. I set my bag on the floor to my left and lean onto the wall on my right.

Kids file into the room and take all of the front chairs. No one sits next to me. I breathe a sigh of relief. The teacher starts the class.

"Welcome to geography!" She says with just a little too much enthusiasm. By a little I mean a lot! She goes on a ramble of what we will be covering this year and all of the tools we will need. I dont care so I tune out.

After about ten minutes I hear the door open and see a boy walk in. The teacher stops talking and stares at the new arrival.

"Well class!" She says, loudly. "This is a new student, Roman! Make him feel very welcome here."

She points to the desks gesturing for him to find a seat. I put my head back down to avoid eye contact and take out my notebook. A second later I hear the teacher continue talking so I tune her out again. A bag slams down on the ground next to mine and I flinch slightly.

"Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to scare you," I look up and see Roman staring back at me. His brown hair is short on the sides and long on top with bangs flowing into his eyes. His Red shirt hugs his chest perfectly and the front is tucked into his light brown pants, that I have to say also fits perfectly. Not that I'm looking. I blink my eyes fast and chuckle nervously.

"N-no p-p-problem," I stutter. He smiles at me and turns back to the teacher. Did that really happen?

*Time Skip because Virgil isnt paying attention anyway*

After third period it is finally time to meet up with Patton and Logan. I fast-walk down the hall to where we meet every day and I am suprised to see that there is someone with them already.

"Hey Kiddo!" Patton calls me over. I pull my black and purple sweatshirt hood over my purple dyed hair and walk over. Logan nods at me, like usual and then looks back at Patton to continue theor conversation. Roman turns around and looks at me.

"Hey, I know you!" He says with a smile. "You are that guy who sits next me in Geography!" I nod and pull my hoodie further over my face to hide my incoming blush. Patton looks over and smiles.

"You know each other already?" I nod, embarassed and Roman nods too, more confidently than me. "Why didnt you tell us you made a new friend, Virgil?"

I shake my head. "Hes not my friend,"

Patton looks at me confused and Roman just looks at me kind of hurt. I guess everyone likes him. But I did say that ruder than I intended.

What is wrong with me? I walk away from them and Patton calls out to me. I feel a panic attack coming and I freak out. Soon I'm running right out of the school. I climb a tree and start to cry. After school, everyone leaves the building and I follow them. Careful to avoid Patton, Logan and Roman. I walk home still crying.

I open my front door and walk into the kitchen. My mom looks up from her spot on the couch in the living room. She stands up and runs to me.

"Oh, honey. Whats wrong?" She guides me back to the couch. My father walks in and sits on a chair across from us.

"I ruined it," I cry.

"Ruined what honey?" She asks while pulling me into a hug.

"My chance at a relationship."

My parents look at each other suprised. "Who was this girl?" My father asks.

I shake my head. They share a confused look. "I'm gay,"

My mom jumps back suprised. My father stands up and walks to me.

"You are not gay!" He says through gritted teeth.

I nod. " I am dad!"

He takes an angry breath and pulls back his hand. What is he doing? Mom screams. "David! No!

He pushes her back and slaps me hard across the face. More tears fall down.

"No son of mine is gay!" He slaps me again, harder this time. "And he sure as hell wont be a pussy!"

He continues to hit me only below my neck now. I pass out after a minute but when I wake up in the morning I know that didnt stop him. Why did I tell them?

{Sorry for the violence. Hope you enjoyed my first chapter!!
Guys, gals and Non-Bianary Pals, PEACE!}

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