Cancelled Plans // The Date

455 18 31

TW: Rape, Abuse, Swears, both F-words... Semi-smut... Not really tho since.. Rape...

Virgil POV

Me and Roman got an A on our paper for geography. There was another assignment thats due next week with the same partners so I guess ill be seeing more of Roman- oh excuse me, Princey. Danielle surprisingly doesnt talk to me all class so I decide not to talk to her either. Roman turns to me at the end of class and asks me if I want to go to his house after school. After a minute of just staring at his super cute outfit- light blue ripped jeans, a white shirt with a red leather jacket over it with a small gold crown on the left shoulder- I say "sure". Half of me hopes my parents say yes and the other hopes that they say no. I dont know if I can hold in my gayness much longer. And I cant have Roman figuring that out.

After school, I reluctantly meet up with Roman outside. To my luck, he is talking to Patton and Logan. Roman sees me and waves me over. Logan turns slightly so he isnt facing me and ignores me the entire time.

"Hey Kiddo!" Patton says. He seems excited that I'm talking to him again.

"Hey, Pat," I say quietly. He smiles and gives me a big hug.

"Well, Virge we'd better get going, right?" Roman says to me. Smiling his killer smile. I feel a blush on my cheek and I pull my hood further over my face.

I nod and walk toward my car but Roman stops walking. Hes staring at something behind me. I go to turn around and my phone buzzes.

[Danielle]- Hey Virge! Turn around!! 💕💜💕💜

I turn around confused and see Danielle standing behind me. She gives me a big hug and kisses me on the lips. She pulls away smiling. I just stand there in shock. She frowns at my non-smiling face. "Whats wrong hon?" She sounds so much like my mom it makes me want to barf.

"Hon?" I hear from behind me. I turn around to see Patton and Logan standing next to an outraged Roman. I go to say something to them and explain but Danielle speaks before i can.

"Hey Hon? We still on for date night?" She asks sweetly. I cant say no or my dad will....

I pull my eyes off of Romans hurt expression and put on a fake smile. "Of course!" I put an arm around her and walk to the car. "Bye, guys!" I call. I give Roman a sad look and mouth "sorry".

*Later that night*

Danielle is curled into my side as we watch Heathers. She jumps as the bomb explodes JD. Well isnt that delightful? The movie finally ends and Danielle stands up stretching. I -fake- smile at her.

"Well that was fun," I glance at the clock. Only 9:45!!?? "You should be going, its kinda late!"

She shakes her head and laughs. "Don't worry, my mom isnt expecting me home tonight," I'm about to ask why not, when she sits on my lap and wraps her legs around me. She reaches down and kisses me. She tastes like cherries. Ewwwwwwww. Girl! Bluh. I half kiss back and she notices.

"Whats wrong with you?" She half-screams. Thank god my parents arent home. Wait, it actually is a little weird. They said that theyd be gone all night.... Oh no. She gets up and grabs my hand. "Lets go to your room," she makes a dash for my room with me in tow.

She pushes me on the bed and kisses me while getting on top of me. I dont kiss her back and she notices again. "Seriously! WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU?" She slaps me hard across the face. "KISS ME YOU FAGGOT!"

She kisses me harshly and I reluctantly kiss back. She starts to take off my shirt and I try to stop her. She punches me a couple of times in the chest. "DO IT!" She screams. I take off my shirt and she does the same. Next her orange skirt goes flying across my room.

She goes to unbutton my pants and I almost stop her. But I don't. I cant. She gets up and grabs a rope she had in her purse. After tying my hands to my her frame she pulls of my pants. And well... I didnt want my first time to be like this...

*The next morning*

I wake up to snoring. Who is that? I open my eyes and see Danielle. And not just her face... Her everything. Shit! I jump out of bed and see I'm naked too. I put on clothes and run to the bathroom. When I get back out Danielle is wearing a red skirt and a white shirt with gold sleeves and a small gold crown on the right shoulder. I smile because it reminds me of Roman. No not Roman! I CANT be gay...

Danielle smiles and kisses me. "See you later Hon! Michelle is giving me a ride to school!" She runs out and delicately closes the door behind her.

I sit on my bed and think about last night. She RAPED me, right!? Should I tell someone? Patton? Yes. Patton. Ill tell him everything. I grab my phone to text Patton and I gape at the time. 7:25. Shit I'm going to be late! I look into the mirror. Well, I guess this sweatshirt will have to do.

{Thanks for reading! I cant wait to write more!! All right Guys, Gals and Non-Binary Pals. PEACE!}

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