Chapter Twenty

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"Hyung this is very expensive." Jimin looked in awe as he scanned the items in the menu given to them by the waiter.  "it's okay Jiminie, order anything you want. I've got it all covered for you." Yoongi said as he gave Jimin as a smile. 

Jimin looked at the menu and was surprised at the prices. Everything in the menu looked delicious and absolutely appetizing. "So have you picked anything yet Jiminie?" Yoongi asked.  "Not yet hyung. I'm having a hard time choosing." Jimin admitted. "I'll pick a meal for you okay?" Yoongi said as he grabbed Jimin's hand. "Hyung we're in public. Besides you're a very famous producer and it's bad if they found out that you're out with a  trainee." Jimin said before quickly removing his hand from Yoongi's.

"Minnie, let them think whatever the fuck they want. I'm enjoying spending my time being with you." Yoongi said as he pulled Jimin's hand and kissing it. The gesture made Jimin turn beet red. Yoongi gave a smug smile.  

Yoongi called the waiter's attention and proceeded to order. The producer ordered as full course meal for two and Jimin was surprised with some of the food that they ordered. Yoongi even ordered wine for the both of us. 

"Wine, this brings back memories." Yoongi smiled as he opened the wine bottle carefully. Jimin gave his glass to Yoongi and smiled. "Indeed it does." Jimin smiled as he watched Yoongi pour down the blood red liquid into the glass. "We were always drinking wine together secretly when we were together during the old days." Yoongi laughed as he handed the glass back to Jimin.

"We were dumb ass highschoolers  back then you know? Drinking was highly prohibited in school back then. There were strict rules about that." Jimin said before raising his glass. "To us, the dumb and carefree highschoolers we were back then." Yoongi said as he also raised his glass. They clinked their glasses together and drank. 

The dinner eventually went well,  despite Yoongi's protests of Jimin drinking too much. Jimin, surprisingly wasn't drunk. 

💙💚💛💜The Lightest Touch💜💛💚💙

"Hyung. Thanks for treating me dinner today, I had fun." Jimin smiled as he looked at the elder male. "I'll drive you home." Yoongi said as he wrapped his arm around Jimin's slender waist. "Oh hyung it's fine. I can just take a cab home, Hwasa noona might get worried like she always does." Jimin said as he looked at Yoongi.

"It's already nine in the evening, I'll just drive you home okay? I called Hwasa earlier and I know how much she worries. She said it's okay to take you home late as long as you are safe and sound." Yoongi said as he fiddled with his car keys. 

"You really are a very stubborn man, Min Yoongi." Jimin said as he gave Yoongi a judgemental look. "My stubborn ass has saved you tons of times before in the past." Yoongi said as he rolled his eyes and opened the car door.

"Are you gonna go kill me or take me to a deserted place?" Jimin asked before going inside the car. "Shut up and just buckle yourself up." Yoongi said before closing the car door. "Oh goodness, this kid is going to be the death of me." Yoongi grumbled before getting inside the car.

Yoongi quickly drove off and made Jimin hang on for his dear life. Jimin knew that Yoongi always had this dream of being a professional race car driver if he wasn't working as a music producer. "Can't you slow down?" Jimin asked as he held on the handle tightly. 

"Don't you remember what I used to say to you back in the good old days?" Yoongi asked. Jimin quickly shook his head and Yoongi threw out a laugh. "Oh baby, what matters isn't chasing after things, it's more important that we don't forget and carry on what we've done so far." Yoongi said as he quickly grabbed the gear and quickly shifted, making the car drift.  

"Hyung, eyes on the road please!" Jimin panicked as Yoongi looked at him while still spinning the car. Yoongi quickly stopped the car and pulled Jimin towards his chest. "Were you scared?" Yoongi asked as he held Jimin. "I was." Jimin softly answered. 

Yoongi then grabbed Jimin's chin and kissed the younger male square on the lips. After a few seconds Jimin pulled away and cried onto Yoongi's chest. "Don't you ever do that again!I know that you know that I lost my father because of a car accident!" Jimin sobbed, making Yoongi feel guilty.  "I'm sorry for scaring you like that Jiminie." Yoongi said before laughing and hugging Jimin tighter.

"I'm really sorry Jiminie, I won't do that again I promise you that." Yoongi sweetly smiled at his lover. "Just take me home hyung and please drive slowly." Jimin pleaded. "Okay, I'll take you home soon. " Yoongi said before starting the car. 

💙💚💛💜The Lightest Touch💜💛💚💙

"Oh Jimin, where have you been with Yoongi? Why do you look so dead?" Hwasa asked as he gave Jimin a glass of water. "He looks tired, what happened to him?" Hwasa asked Yoongi who was also worried about Jimin. "Well I did scare him a bit by playing with my car." Yoongi admitted.

"Hwasa noona, don't get mad at Yoongi hyung, it was just a harmless prank you know? I was just scared since I'm a scaredy cat." Jimin explained before drinking water from the glass. "Alright then, so what's your status?" Hwasa asked bluntly. "We're going to try dating again." Yoongi said. 

"That's good then. It's a really good time for you to try again you know? But the problem is the media. How will you both be able to handle the judgemental media? You know that Korea is not that accepting when it comes to society's standards of same sex couples." Hwasa explained as the two continued to listen. 

"Korea's going to have to step-up their standards them. It's 2019, old fashioned thinking is no longer welcome in this era of change." Yoongi spoke with a determined tone.  

The Lightest Touch [𝓨𝓞𝓞𝓝𝓜𝓘𝓝]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora