Chapter Eight

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"Are you really sure that Jimin, Park Jimin is here in Korea? Here in Seoul to be exact?" Namjoon asked in utter disbelief. Yoongi's eyebrows scrunched at Namjoon's question, he was either talking to a child or Namjoon was just stupid.

"Yes he's here! I met him last night and he was from a funeral. His mom's funeral to be exact." Yoongi groaned. "Don't be mad hyung. I actually expected you to cry. Luckily you're not even affected by it." Namjoon smiled, showing off his dimples.

"Joonie. I brought lunch." Jin announced as he entered the studio. "What a pleasant surprise Yoongi! I made kimbap for lunch, surely you're hungry." Jin said.

"Jinnie baby, Yoongi said that Jimin is in the area." Namjoon informed. "Oh? I thought he'd be here until next month. I didn't expect that he'll be here that early." Jin said as he opened the tupperware which contained the kimbap. "You knew that he will be here?" Yoongi asked in a surprised tone.

"He's been trying to reach you for years Yoongi. Of course I knew. He even passed an application to be a trainee under your care here." Jin rolled his eyes as he grabbed the stack of papers on Namjoon's desk and handed it to Yoongi. 

Yoongi quickly snatched the papers and scanned them.

Name: Park Jimin

Age: 23
Applying as: Lead Dancer, Lead Vocalist --

Yoongi angrily ripped the paper into pieces which made Jin frown.

"Paper comes from trees you know? A single sheet of paper takes up a crucial process in making you know?" Jin informed. "To hell with that shit! I refuse to accept Park Jimin in the company!" Yoongi yelled.

"Yoongi hyung. Jimin is a great addition to your care. I've got Jungkook and other trainees to handle and it's going to be unfair for Jimin if I add him to mine." Namjoon explained. "Look Joon why don't you just give Jimin under Hoseok's care." Yoongi suggested.

"That I disagree to." Hoseok said as he entered the office. "I handle people that are rappers and dancers. I have MAMAMOO debuting soon and I don't want to handle anymore people. I've got a lot on my plate." Hoseok explained. "MAMAMOO is not a rapper group! You planned this all along you bastards." Yoongi growled.

"Keep your voice down hyung. Jimin is going to be here any minute." Namjoon said. "He's being interviewed right now." Hoseok added as he got out his cellphone and started typing.

Yoongi groaned in disbelief. "Has he signed the contract?" Yoingi asked. "No not yet." Namjoon said as he handed Yoongi a copy of the contract. "If he is going to be under my wing then I will modify the contract to my own liking." Yoongi said.

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