Chapter Nineteen

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"You know if you truly want to forget me, you already know what to do." Jimin said as he stood up and walked towards Yoongi.

"Minnie, I tried. I fucking tried! God knows how much I've tried. I died when you cheated on me and I died when you left me! You're always killing me!" Yoongi said as he started crying. Jimin was about to leave but Yoongi grabbed his arm and pulled the younger into a hug.

"Hyung..." Jimin muttered as he wrapped his arms around Yoongi. "Don't kill me again please." Yoongi begged as he tightened his embrace. "I'm so tired of seeing you leave. I'm so tired of letting you go." Yoongi sobbed.

"Hyung, I won't go anywhere I promise. I'll stay." Jimin said as tears started to fall from his eyes. "Don't cry please. It breaks my heart so bad whenever I see you cry." Yoongi said as he let go from the hug and wiped away Jimin's tears.

"I'll forgive you on one condition, never ever hesitate to tell me when you are in need. I don't want you to sell your body like that again." Yoongi said before kissing Jimin square on the lips.

"Hyung I need to explain why I cheated-" Jimin was cut-off again by Yoongi with another kiss. "No need baby. Hoseok already told me about it." Yoongi said before placing a kiss on Jimin's forehead.

💙💚💛💜The Lightest Touch💜💛💚💙

Park Jimin was sleeping soundly beside Min Yoongi. Yoongi looked at Jimin's sleeping form and his lips formed into a smile. "Beautiful." Yoongi said before pressing his lips against Jimin's forehead.

They did have sex and slept together yet Yoongi regretted none of it. Jimin looked like an angel covered with love bites. It was currently six in the morning and luckily Jimin was on his day-off.

"Hyung?" Jimin stirrred in his sleep as he opened his eyes. "Baby get some more sleep. You're pretty tired from last night. It's your day-off." Yoongi said as he grabbed the covers and pulled it up to Jimin's neck. "Stay hyung." Jimin said as he hugged Yoongi. "I won't go anywhere just go back to sleep." Yoongi said.

"I'm really sorry for before." Jimin muttered before being engulfed by his sleep. "It's okay baby. It's okay. We're good, we're going to be fine." Yoongi said as he spooned Jimin and shortly fell asleep too.

💙💚💛💜The Lightest Touch💜💛💚💙

"Hyung good morning!" Jimin said with his morning voice which Yoongi found cute. "It's very late you know? It's one in the afternoon." Yoongi smiled making Jimin blush. "Hyung! Why didn't you wake me up?" Jimin groaned as he quickly got out of bed.

Jimin fell down which made Yoongi laugh. "Hyung! My ass is fucking sore!" Jimin complained as he felt pain on his lower back. Yoongi even laughed even more as he saw the younger struggle to get up.

Yoongi helped Jimin sit on the bed and kissed his forehead. "You look so cute "Oh hush hyung. We're going to be late for work. You know how damn strict those people are when it comes to trainees!" Jimin scolded.

"I'm Joon's right-hand man. It's fine if I'm late." Yoongi answered as he grabbed Jimin's waist and pulled him into a tight embrace. "Alright, I'll take you there unless you agree for shower sex." Yoongi stated which made Jimin blush. "You pervert! I'm already having a hard time walking and you want another round?" Jimin scolded which made Yoongi chuckle.

💙💚💛💜The Lightest Touch💜💛💚💙

"You look like you're glowing hyung. Did something happen?" Taehyung asked as he poked Jimin's cheek. "Huh? Oh what do you mean?" Jimin asked as he looked at Taehyung. "Oh my gosh, you were actually spacing out!" Taehyung exclaimed. "What do you mean?" Jimin was weirded out by his friend. The two were currently practicing in the dance room. Jimin grabbed his water bottle and drank  "Did Yoongi hyung dick you down for good?" Taehyung asked which made Jimin choke on his drink. 

"Tae! Hush! People might hear!" Jimin scolded which made Taehyung laugh. "Oh my gosh you're not even denying it." Taehyung laughed even more. "I don't want anyone to hear that Yoongi hyung and I are close. I don't want to ruin his reputation. I also don't want people to disrespect him because of this issue." Jimin added.  "I mean a trainee being that close to his boss will only spark rumors from the paparazzi." Jimin continued.

"So you two are a thing now? Are you two back together?" Taehyung asked which made Jimin shook his head. "We did have sex but we're not a couple." Jimin said. "Well do you think that you'll ever want to be with him again?" Taehyung asked which made Jimin pause.

"I'm not even sure yet." Jimin muttered. "I'm not even ready to forgive myself so easily." Jimin continues which made Taehyung pout. "You know, I think that you should talk to Yoongi hyung about this matter." Taehyung continued. "I can't yet." Jimin pressed his lips.

"And why the fuck not Park Jimin? You've like wasted a lot of your time looking for him and you're just going to let the opportunity slide like that?" Taehyung groaned as he face palmed at his friend's  stupidity.  "God damn it Kim Taehyung! I don't know what to even do or even what to fucking say!" Jimin groaned in annoyance.

"You could start by talking to me and agreeing for a dinner date." An all too familliar voice said. "Oh Yoongi hyung! Fancy seeing you here!" Taehyung greeted which made Jimin froze. "Oh shit." Jimin muttered to himself as he felt Yoongi approach him.

"We're going to take things slow okay Minnie? Next time tell me instead of telling Taehyung. Taehyung will eventually tell me about it and sometimes he leaves details out." Yoongi said with assurance in his voice.

"I'm sorry hyung. But I'll accept your offer on dinner." Jimin said with a smile on his face.

A/n: I'm sorry for the late update. I had my graduation and at the same time my Grandpa died, things are so hard for me.

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