15. Behind the scenes

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Your pov

The first game start with a simple level. All they have to do is just count money while jumping rope. And then another team member have to turn 10 times before kicking shoes into a bin. Another member have to play hula hoop on the waist for 5 seconds and next player have to catch 5 ballon full with water with basket on their head before going to the last member who had to crawl and run on acupuncture mat to the finishing line.

Whoever finish first is the winner for the first game and will achieve the prize. Which is an automatic mower. Monsta x got it, because they win the first game.

Don't ask me, but the game is such a disaster with the boys chaotic screams to complete the game. Yoongi is already drenched from catching the water balloon. Jin order him to play that part so he will eventually wake up.

(You can imagine how they all play. I'm just too lazy to write. Hahah


The second game is messy like the first game, three people from each team had to play.

The game consist of three part. First part, they have to catch the food that been tied with a string from a hat they wear. Second part, someone had to find 5 candy from a tray of flour before moving to the last part which is post note. Someone had to get rid of the post note that been stick to their body as fast as possible. Whoever finish first, win.

We win the second game with jin eagernest to eat. Jimin plump lips to find the candy out of the flour and lastly, thanks to the god of destruction, namjoon. We win the game in a Blink. The paper fall one by one with just a few jump and twerk from namjoon.


Third game win by BtoB. They had to jump over a few of high hay before plucking carrot and return to their position. This repeating for everyone. Except the last person on each team have to fight each other for the last carrot. It was really a mess i tell you.

Screams and groans emit from the players. People that watching the games are laughing seeing jackson pants almost on his knees when sungjae accidently pull it down when jungkook jump on him. While kihyun as the last player is still struggling to get his foot out from the muddy sand.


The forth game of 4x100 meter run win by us. Thanks to jungkook, he had save the first place for us. in the start, everyone would tell that got7 gonna win this game. But jungkook run past them in a blink eventhough there's a big gap between the last runner. I know jungkook are amazing in running, i had seen him always got the first place in idol star Olympic, but seeing him infront of my eyes is just..sfhgfyvxgts.

I noticed jungkook turn his face to the audience, as if he was eagerly searching for a specific person.

But as his eyes met mine. He scrunch his nise and smile that adorable bunny smiles. Causing my cheeks turn into a light shade of red.

Was he that happy that i witness his win?


The fifth game is cross legged race. 7 people in a team had to tie their leg to each other. Walk for 100 meter to the finishing line.

Jimin can't play this game because his leg are just to short as what yoongi had said. So i replace jimin to play. I stand between jin and namjoon. but jin push me to jungkook side, my ass almost kissing the ground if jungkook is not there to catch me .

I look at jin furiously. Sending question with just eyes.

"You stand there with the tough guy so he can hold you y/n. Namjoon hyung already with me, don't add up yourself on me when namjoon already making my life a misery with just tying our leg together. We must win this game. The prize is a year of free face mask coupon. Don't ruined my beauty time"

No More Dream. Jjk ✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora