7. Moving On

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Your pov

It's been a week since jungkook stayed with me. Nothing had change. But jungkook condition is worse after coming back from seoul.

This is all because no one at bighit knows him or allowed him to get inside the building, assuming jungkook is just another fan.

And to add the ache, he even saw his members at one of their favourite restaurant, but they didn't recognise him at all.

All he got is just a pat from Chim and V. A glare from suga and a signature from SJ.

He tried to explain but their manager push him away.

His heart ache and hurt to accept the reality. he's lost his way and almost get into an accident.

Fortunately i followed him to seoul to settle my resignation and all the paperwork i had. I decide to let go of my current job and stay at my hometown.

There's no one i have to impress anymore. I don't need a great job.

I told him he can stay with me at ulsan after knowing that either of his family know who he is.

And it has been 5 days jungkook locked himself in a room without enough sleep or a proper food. I tried to feed him food but he doesn't even budge.

I feel more at fault. He become like this because of me, yet he don't even cry. And I can't even tell him that i was the caused why he's here.

The bad dream that i scared the most is haunting me again. But this time, jungkook are in it too. Blaming me stealing his happiness.

There's not a day i can sleep without the dream. I always woke up in the middle of the night just to end up crying in my bed.

Tonight isn't an exception. i hold the picture frame of my family near my chest. My vision started to blur and my head start to ache.

It was a good day to cry. The sound of rain giving a nice effect to cry your heart out. It hurts.

I'm going to be fine tomorrow. I told myself. I just need to cry a little today and laugh over my stupidity tomorrow.


Jungkook pov

I was lost once again in my thoughts for the thousands time that day. not until a thunder wake me from my daze.

The rain giving a cold vibe to the surrounding but i feel nothing. Just numb. I reached my hand out to the window feeling the diamonds of water dripping onto it.

I look at the door, i could see a shadow on the thin line between door and floor just like everyday.

Y/n never forget to bring me food every breakfast, lunch and dinner. Eventhough she knew i wouldn't touch any of it.

I walk to the door before opening it and catch a glimpse a tray of food on the floor. I take the tray and put it on to the dining table.

When i almost reach the room that i stayed for days. I hear someone crying.

I tried to find the source and it looks like it comes from y/n room.

'She's crying? should i ask her what happen?'

I shrug it off and turn to go to my room, but a thunder stop me from doing so. Knowing that she might be scared because of the storm.

I knocked on her door but no response. But i can still heard the cry. I twist the door open and it looks like she didn't lock it.

I popped my head inside and saw her figure sleeping in her bed with blanket all over her.

I come closer and saw her crying in her sleep. I sit on the edge of her bed beside her form. looking at her.

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