First day (Zhao)

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I woke up to my alarm ringing for the 10th time. Really did not feel like waking up.  It was a new school year. Starting my second year.  I was laying in bed thinking about how fast summer went by. 

The first days of school would always be quiet, until the list would be posted.But this year 2 of the top was already set, they were also starting second year. No one could beat them. They owned two of the top 5 companies in Dragon City.And those two was also who hated me the most, don't really know why. The top 4, which people called R4 had control over the school but often stick to bothering the poor ones. Only ones that they left alone, was the top 5 smartest in school , since they would represent the school in competitions, they would not touch them, regardless their status. 

 I was under the poor kids status and my mother had told me I got in through scholarship.  My grades was good enough for that but I knew my dad payed me in. I could easy be number 1 in school, but I wanted to stay low, not gaining attention. 

My mother had always told me that my dad was just a one night stand, and that he did not live here. I tried to ask her if she ever told him about me, but she said, no because I was only hers. She did not wanted to be connected with him or have him in our lives. I really admire her, she was slim and petite but strong. She did not take crap from anyone, only thing is, she had very bad taste in men, but it wasn't hard for me to scare them away, after few tries she just gave up dating, or she just stopped bringing them home.

What my mom did not know was that when I was 8 years old a car out of the blue pulled up in front of my school and picked me up, saying that my dad wanted to see me.  Ever since then we met up once a week, up until I was 15 years old.  He got me a personal trainer to train me. My trainer was always hidden behind a mask, so never saw his face.  He trained me in different martial arts. Got trained to kill, defend and take blows avoiding vital parts.  When I was 10 I was taken hostage or something, I cant remember all the details, lost some of my memories from then because of trauma.  But after that the training got harder and he even brought in a female trainer to train me mentally. I never told my mother this because my dad forbid me. 

My dad never told me why he stopped seeing me, but I knew he always kept an eye on me. Rumors went around saying he was the leader of the most feared gang in Dragon City. Which is why the R4 had the ban on touching me. My dad probably threaten their parents. Which is why they hated me, and it pissed them off to the max that, someone like me, had the power to shut them up. So they started bothering my friends, since I could not tell my dad to ban them from touching my friends, I ended up just being alone I had a best friend but we hid it from them, so they would leave him alone, but somehow they found out and I tried to protect him, but it went so bad that he died.

Now if I saw someone getting beat or bullied I walked away, if I helped, they would just make it 100 times worse the next time. 

"Sweetie! you are going to be late for School!"   my mom yelled, pulling me out of my thoughts. 

crap! I cursed under my breath, jumping out of bed and ran into the shower for a quick one, then hurried put on my clothes.  I was wearing Blue hoodie, with white t-shirt under, and black loose pants. My clothes looked old, and used for years. I let my hair down to cover some of my face.  I looked one last time in the mirror , and noticed, I had put on the wrong socks, it was one of the expensive one, mom probably had mixed my crappy clothes with my expensive clothes, so I hurried to change them to old crappy ones. 

I jumped into my car, it was an old car, barely alive, it could die any minuet. 

When I got to school, things was calm yet, not to much noise. I noticed a new guy. He looked really poor, big glasses, shy, always looking down, walked like he was terrified to bump into people. But it was something about him, something did not add up, couldn't put my finger on it. But I ignored it and went on my way. 

First period went to teachers telling about plans for the new school year and such. Suddenly we got a new teacher. He seemed cool, didn't look scared like half the other teachers that are afraid to get fired any minuet for saying one wrong thing. 

He started the lesson with

"You can call me Mr Chu, or Mr C, If you curse at me, I will curse back, if you are rude to me, I will be rude back, if you try to embarrass me, I will embarrass you worse, if you try to attack me, I will put you to sleep, but if you respect me, I will give you the same respect back, and for your info, no matter what I do to you, you can't get me fired"  

Class was in chaos, people started to whisper if he was the owner or something, but we had a big picture of the owner of this school in the lobby, and it looked nothing like him. 

I really liked this new teacher, and was now looking forward to his classes, something told me it would be a lot of fun.

After the class was done, I was just sitting there and looking out the window, when I saw the new  guy . He walked a bit funny to be honest. He sat down on a bench, sun on his face. For some reason I could not take my eyes of him. Something about him. Then I saw two of R4 approaching him, they said something to him that made him look down. They were laughing, so I am assuming, he already became their prey to pick on. But then they suddenly left. Wait, they left that easy, that means they are up to no good. And for some reason I started panicking thinking about him being in trouble.  Wait, why am I getting worked up? Suddenly he turned and our eyes met for few seconds, something was different with his eyes for few seconds, then he turned his head down. 

What is this, my heart started to beating so fast, and I felt scared for some reason, seriously, what is this?

So hope its interesting, like I said before, English is not my native language so please bare with my mistakes and please comment on what you think so far. 

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