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5 years later


I woke up today, really tired, had stayed up way to late, grading papers.  I looked over to my bed, and sighed, hate waking up alone, miss him so much. 

When I got downstairs, Guo and Da was already there, eating. 

"good morning guys"  I said,  and both said good morning back. We really did not say much , until Da

"seriously you both being down is really bugging me" I looked up

"why is Guo down?"  and I looked at Guo, and he was blushing, Da chuckled

"don't tell me you haven't notice??!" I looked at Da

"notice what?"  he rolled his eyes

"that Guo has the biggest crush on Mr Chu, and he is down whenever he is gone" oh really I did not know that I thought, but I smiled and nodded.

"They are coming home today or tomorrow?"  Guo asked carefully, I sighed

"another week, they had to stay longer again" I said in a low voice

When I got to the school, was greeted by the students

"Good morning teacher Shen" and I replied politely back

"good morning" 

I went to see my mom in the principal office before starting classes, we often had a cop of coffee in the mornings , just to catch up. 

Day went by so slow, and I kept missing my fiance.  We were suppose to have a wedding in a month, but seeing how he keeps delaying his return, is making me worried that we yet again have to postpone it. 

It was late when I had finished all the work, other then stuff about school, I had to also pay attention to the company at times, so sometimes I would stay later just to go through some papers regarding the company. 

I was walking towards the car when I heard 

"give me your money, and car keys" I looked over and saw them trying to rob my mother. I walked slowly towards them, and just leaned against a tree and put my arms in cross

"really guys?" and they turned panicked towards me, and pointed the knife at me and other one pointed a knife at my mother.  She said pleading

"please, don't hurt us, don't hurt him"  and they started laughing, 

"oh my you are so cute, maybe we should take you with us" they said to her

I started laughing,  and they looked puzzled

"mom, stop playing with them, its late"  she laughed too, 

"its been a while since I had something interesting happen"  they looked at each other and was beyond lost, in swift movement they both were on the ground, unconscious, I clapped

"good job mom, " she smiled

"thank you thank you, well I had a good trainer" 

As we were walking toward her car we heard

"do you guys really think its over" and we turned around and 10 more came out of hiding, I rolled my eyes then we heard

"you guys really picked the wrong day to rob someone" that voice, its I turned towards the voice, and it was my Yunlan leaning against his car

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