You are mine!

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After I punched him, he only smiled, which just made things worse. I was beyond pissed off, and at that moment, I really just wanted to beat the shit out of him, but had to control myself so I turned around, and walked outside fast. When I reach outside, he caught up to me, grabbing my hand, and was just looking at me smiling, what in the world is he thinking. He was about to say something when a black car pulled up beside us, and Yunlans eyes changed, and he let go of my hand.  2 guys in a black suit and sunglasses stepped out of the car and bowed towards him

"young boss, we have orders to bring you and Shen Wei to training" huh? why me,and boss? was his dad really a gang leader? I was confused and he just nodded and grabbed my hand to pull me inside the car.

Inside the car, he turned towards me just starring. I was still mad, so I just looked outside the window, but I was curious so I asked"so where are we going, and why do I have to go with you?"  without looking at him. He did not say anything, so I turned to look at him, thinking he might not have heard me, but he was still starring at me,

"oh, are you talking to me? its hard to tell when you are facing the other way" he said sarcastically. I sighed 

"just answer!" I said frustrated, because yes I was still pissed off already

"oh my from weak, to bossy...then tell me why you are pissed off then" he said. I just sighed and turned away from him. Not going to bother with it. The rest of the way we sat quietly, but I could see in the reflection of the window , he was still looking at me 

When we got there, they led us inside an old building, but inside was a different story. It was like a exclusive gym. It had machines and such for working out, but in the middle it had a boxing ring. I looked over to Yunlan, he did not seem surprised, and just walked over to one of the chairs, as if he was waiting for someone, so I walked to the chair furthest away from him and sat down too. Heard him chuckle. I just ignored him.

Then this guy in black clothes, and black mask came out, and Yunlan stood right up and gave him respectful bow

"Master" he said. I walked closer and it was something about that guy, no way can't be

"Mr C?" I said carefully , and both snapped their heads towards me.

He gave a big sigh, "Shen Wei, you should know just by looking at me wearing a mask that you are not suppose to reveal who I am" and he toke off his mask

"NO WAY!" Yunlan said exited "Teacher C is my master??" 

"you are the one that has been training me all theses years???"  Mr C just nodded and gave him a smile, wait hold on, what is going on, they know each other? since when? what?  Suddenly Yunlan jumped Mr C and gave him a big hug. Oh dear lord, does he have to touch everyone! I thought. 

"CAN SOMEONE EXPLAIN TO ME WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON" I yelled, startling both of them.

After few seconds of them starring at me, they both started laughing. Oh boy, they are really on my nerves and I turned to walk away, done with this crap I thought, but Yunlan grabbed my hand,

"com on don't be sulky" I just pulled my hand back, 

"don't touch me" and he got this look, and just smirked

"well Master Chu is the one that has been training me since I was 8, how do you know each other?" 

training? I thought, training what, but before I could say anything Mr C turned to me and said

Untouchableحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن