First day (Shen)

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Two of the students came to me, asking, where I had gotten my glasses, clothes, and shoes. Basically making fun of me. I gave them a goofy smile, and answered them politely. From what I had gathered, they were members of R4. Stuck up, rich people I despised and hated.

Hate was filling my body, but they left pretty fast. I felt eyes on me and I turned around and I met his eyes. The hate in my eyes grew bigger looking at him, but I looked away and started humming and got up and walked away. That was Zhao Yunlan, also on my hate list.

Sun was out, made me think back to when I was in Florida. I missed it. I had a lot of friends and things was calm, not as here, this school, where rich spoiled brats bullied the poor. I don't get why they do that, why they act all almighty and that they earned it themselves. Its not their earnings so why act like that I thought to myself. 

Another thing that was bothering me, those who can help but don't, they just turn the other way and act like they are blind . If someone had stood up, and helped my cousin, he would have been alive today. Don't understand how a whole school is afraid of four students. 

I'm living with my aunt and uncle. My dad and stepmother doesn't know I'm back in Dragon City.  But I got my aunt to promise not to tell them. Because I live with them, I fall under poor kid status, since they only own a small flower shop. 

Was in my own thoughts when bell rang, signalizing for lunch. I walked inside, making sure I walked with a small limp and made my hand shake a little to look weak, looking down, trying to not bump into people. I stood in line when R4 came and cut line, and was right in front of me. I looked around a bit, no one said anything. After I got my food, saw Zhao on other side eating, alone, thoughts escaped me and i tripped and fell with food, up in air on to R4 member. 

The whole room got quiet, and all eyes on me. I got down on my knees, apologizing, trying to brush of some food of him, but it only made it worse.

"ARE YOU CRAZY!" he screamed at me

"I I I m mm s so sso sorr sorry" I stuttered 

Suddenly he kicked me, I fell down, and he kept kicking me in my stomach, over and over, and then he dropped his food on me. He bend down to me and said

"you will regret this forever you retarded shit"  

My hands was shaking, and my eyes met with Zhao, I started crying

"p p please, I'm sss so sorry" 

"Is this a new trend by young people?" Mr C suddenly said

Students turned around and looked at Mr C, teacher showing up has never stopped any bulling before, and teachers would just walk by and do nothing. But he stayed and said with a smirk

"I thought rich people were picky on how they eat, and yet you are on the floor eating" looking at the R4 member

His eyes met mine, I gave him a look, but he ignored it

"are you trying to be funny old man? move along, go read something" R4 dude hissed at the teacher 

Mr C had a shocked face

"old? old? do I look old to you??, how old are you little Dun" he asked  mockingly 

So that's Ding Dun, I thought, and he let go of me and got up and turned to Mr C

"How dare you say my first name??and I am 19!" he said with anger in his voice

"well I am older then you, so why cant I say your name? and I am only  15 years older, no wait 16? "

He turned to one of the female students and said

"I am 33 is that 15 or 16 years?" 

People started laughing, and girls was giggling, well he had good looks so understandable, the one he turned to was blushing, but then whispered to him, and then he turned back

"yeah! I'm only 14 years older, soooo if I'm old then you are, uhm, you are almost old too!"  he said with really childish voice making people laugh even more and he made Ding Dun furious. 

Suddenly he was walking fast toward Mr C and punched him in the face. Room got dead quiet. Mr C looked at Ding Dun and smiled, then he suddenly punched him back, which got him tumbling to the floor. Which left the whole room speechless. Other R4 members ran to him, and helped him up, and Ding Dun yelled at Mr C 

"YOU WILL REGRET THIS" and they left.  Mr C just glanced at me, and smiled an left too.

 People started getting back to what they were doing, and I got up and picked up my trails and stuff then went to the bathroom. With no ones help, thinking about it brought tears to my eyes.  I was not sad because of what happen or being in pain, just the thought of my cousin going through the same, made my heart hurt. 

I was still cleaning myself and thinking, suddenly Zhao came in, he walked pass me, didn't say a word. I changed my stand back to goofy, weak image. Was lifting up my bag when I felt pain on my side, and made me gasp.

"nurse office is in the basement" Zhao suddenly said expressionless . I turned to him and gave him a goofy smile

"thank you" I said weakly  

"I would show you, but don't want to mingle with you" he said and walked out

I was thinking, but I want to mingle with you, get close to you, then destroy you, but then my thoughts went to his eyes, how he looked at me earlier, almost like he cared, but I won't be fooled. 

End of the day I was walking home when I noticed a wreck of a car driving by my slowly. I don't know if it was slow because it was slow, because honestly looking at it and the sounds coming from it, it was a miracle that it moved at all, but got a strange feeling it was following me. So I pretended to lose something to stop and see if it would stop too, which it didn't it just continued slowly ahead. 

When I walked in my aunt was in the entrance

"is he home?" I asked with slight angry tone, I was not angry at her, so I felt bad right away for the tone, 

"yes hun, he is upstairs, is everything okay?" she asked worried

"yeah, nothing big, sorry for the tone aunty" and I gave her a hug, before walking upstairs. 

I went to his room, and slammed it open

"Mr C!, did I not tell you not to bug in? you are only allowed to bug in if I stop breathing, did we not agree on that?!" I yelled furiously 

"Yes sir, My bad sir, wont happen again sir" he said with head down

ahhh another chapter up, please let me know your thoughts, ty for reading :) 

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