Broken rule (Zhao)

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I was walking back to the rooftop, thinking about what I just saw in the bathroom. He seem to be strong.  But why is he acting like he is weak, why does he hate me? I can clearly see it now, the hate he has for me  is intense, but why, and why does my heart hurt thinking about him hating me. And on top of that,the words in my dream keeps on repeating in my head every time he is near me, I almost hugged him, seeing him crying. No I have to be strong, can't break my own rule, I have to ignore it, only way he won't be in worse situation. 

When I got closer, I saw him laying in my spot, did not think he would use it this fast. I don't know why I told him about this place. He was just laying there, with eyes closed and his glasses in his hand, taking in the sun. He looked absolutely stunning, I don't know how long I stood there just starring, drooling to be honest, he seemed so peaceful did not want to disturb him, but I could not turn my eyes away. When he started to move around, I panicked, afraid he would catch me starring at him, so I moved closer and said

"so why do you hate me?

He looked at me surprised, and his body language changed again, and he hurried put on his glasses, as if he was putting on a show, I chuckled a bit and sat opposite of him, looking him into the eyes, and thought, well I can play along 

"I I I'm sorry, what do you mean by that question" he stutter out in a weak voice. 

I smirked, " you hate me don't you, I can tell"

He shook his head fast , and almost looked like he was panicking for getting caught.

"no no no I don't hate you" and got up to fast, and he grabbed his side, obviously in pain.

"hey, are you okay? just sit down" he looked at me, and sat back down.

"I don't blame you, a lot of people do, just curious why you hate me so much, when you are new" I said, while closing my eyes. 

He did not reply this time, and I opened my eyes, finding him with eyes closed, his face said it all, he was in a lot of pain.  My heart started to beat faster seeing that. 

The bell rang, and he got up slowly, so did I. non of said anything, and he was walking ahead of me. Slowly. I walked behind him, watching his every move, he had let his guard down, he was walking normally now, but he started to walk unsteady, dragging his feat, going slower and slower, then he fell backwards. I caught him by reflex. He fainted. I tried to wake him up but to no use. Then suddenly Mr C was there and helped me carry him to the nurse office. 

Found myself sitting by his side, waiting for him to wake up, worried. My heart was in chaos.  Why am I so worried about this guy. Shen Wei, who are you, why do you have such an effect on me? The nurse told me, he is fine for now but should get a check up at the hospital later. I nodded. I was biting my nails, getting more anxious, 

"Shen Wei" wake up, I whispered and I for some weird reason, kissed him lightly on his lips.  Few more minuets passed and he started to move, so I thought he was waking up, so I got up to leave, told the nurse not to tell him I was here. Why why why did I kiss him? I asked myself.

As I left, I walked to an empty hall in the basement, where students rarely go.  Waited for few minuets then said

"come out" nothing

"I know you are there, so come out while I am asking nicely "  Few seconds past and the guy that works for my dad, came out slowly walking towards me.  I looked at him

"I know you work for my dad, so call him and make him lift up the ban on touching me. He knows I can protect myself."

He looked surprised at first, but picked up the phone and called my dad. I was listening to him telling my dad that I wanted the ban  lifted, then I heard him say that I was helping this new kid, I looked at him with a deadly stare and he back away from me slowly. Did he really have to say that. He hung up and said

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