The two girls sat in the restaurant waiting for their food. "Soooo tell me about your quirk?" Mt Lady asked "ummm well I can control wind and the temperature of it, that's how I make the ice. For some reason it doesn't work the other way so I can't make it hot" "Well i guess it the same as my quirk, I can change sizers but I can only get bigger not smaller" "I guess so" .there food arrived and they continued to talk about all the little things with really made Mio happy, she hadn't have time to have fun with her friends since UA but she could just relax with her new teacher and have a little fun. After they had finished Mt Lady dragged Todoroki to one more place. "Trust me Todoroki, this place is so relaxing" they walked into a private bath house and Mt Lady was able to get a discount by 'asking the owner nicely' and they walked into the steamy room. At first Mio hide in the corner of the hot spring and had her back turned to Lady. The older blonde woman swam over slowly and tapped her on the shoulders. "How did you get the busese on your back?" Mio flinched "I told you" "I watch you at the sports festival, you have an amazing control over your quirk, there in now way you got into an accident that bad. You don't have to tell be but just tell be it wasn't villains" Mt Lady's voice went serious "it wasn't, I promise" "ok will that's all I wanted to know. Chill we came her to relax haha" "ha ok Sensei."

After the hot bath they went home and had a girls night watching romantic movies, talking about boys and braiding each other's hair and just had a good time.


Aizawa and Iida (texts)

Toda Iida:
Hi Aizawa. How was your first day?

Katsuko Aizawa:
It was ok. Death arms in a pain in the ass tho.

Toda Iida:
Really? What happened?

Katsuko Aizawa:
There was a hostage and I saved her, he then told me everything I did wrong but he was really picking out the smallest things that don't matter like how slowly I opened the door and that how I let the hostage near the broken window glass. Sorry for ranting but it really pissed me off.

Toda Iida:
Sounds like you had an eventful day. I just partroled around the street all day and nothing happened.

Katsuko Aizawa:
Well that's good you didn't get into any fights would you getting hurt

Toda Iida:
... wow Aizawa that's the nicest thing you have ever said to me

Katsuko Aizawa:
Don't get used to it. I just did it cuz it's what friends are supposed to do right.

Toda Iida:
Am I really your first friend?

Katsuko Aizawa:
Since I was 6, yes

Toda Iida:

Katsuko Aizawa:
Anyway I wish to join your club.

Toda Iida:
Really? Why?

Katsuko Aizawa:
I know what you really do and I want to find these guys fast.

Toda Iida:
What happened, when we asked you last time you weren't interested.

Katsuko Aizawa:
Me and my brother were walking home last weekend and we could sense someone following us. If it was the villains they know where My family and I live now, and after I heard about Todoroki and how the villains will go after our family I got scared. I know you aren't a real club. You want to find the villains yourself and I want to help.

Toda Iida:
Understandable. I have a baby sister and I don't know what I would do if the master got her.

Katsuko Aizawa:
I know what I would do. I would kill them. So am I in?

Toda Iida:
Yes I will text the group chat tomorrow and add you but for now good night

Katsuko Aizawa:

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