Ch.2 Note

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-Your pov

A couple days went by painfully slow and the first few classes went by with no changes. I wasn't expecting the rest of school to be any different. When the bell rang I immediately packed my things and left history. The teacher's voice is so boring it can put someone to sleep. I was hoping that lunch would be decent for a change. It sounded good, until everything was dumped on my tray. I sighed in disappointment before sitting at a table alone as usual. I stared at the refried beans and barely cooked piece of ham. I guess I'll have to eat the cooked carrots and apple. Hopefully the milk hasn't expired yet. I looked away from my "food" when I heard people laughing. They were laughing at the boy I helped a couple days ago. He simply continued walking. I hoped that he would sit at my table but he didn't. He carried his tray into the bathroom.  He is so used to being picked on that he can't eat in peace out here. It was pretty sad. I couldn't stop thinking about it. I couldn't even focus on chemistry. The only thing that snapped me out of it was the school bell. I sighed before reluctantly going to my locker to get my algebra book that we haven't used yet. Probably never will.  I opened my locker to find a piece of folded paper. Nobody knows about me helping that boy and I'm an outcast at the school. So why would someone put a note in my locker? I still have four minutes till the bell rings again so I decided to go ahead and read it. The writing was a little sloppy and the red ink dripped down the paper slightly.

This year will be different. I flipped the paper over trying to find a name but all I found was a smiley face. The paper was the only thing in my mind when I was in algebra. Perhaps that boy wrote it. I'll have to ask him when school is done for the day. I snapped out of my thoughts and jolted a little at the sound of a laptop being slammed shut. At least that's what I thought. I looked over to see that a classmate punched all the way through the screen. He must have gotten a question wrong being forced to start over, again. The bell rang shortly after and everyone rushed out of the room determined to get home. I grabbed my things and wandered around through the halls with the note in my hand. The boy had to be somewhere in the school. Sure enough, there he was at his locker. The door was full of hateful notes that students left. I took a deep breath and approached him. 

"Hey." I said before he flinched slightly. He probably thought that I was someone who was going to pick on him. He quickly looked at me but then relaxed. 

"Hey." He replied quietly as he grabbed his things. He was about to close his locker, but I stopped it and quickly removed the notes. 

"These aren't allowed to be in your locker. They shouldn't be there in the first place." I said before throwing them away. I looked at him to see him walking around the corner to go down another hall. I was confused. I want to be nice but it seems like he doesn't want it.   Why? I quickly ran after him until I was walking next to him. 

"I don't want you with me." He murmured. It kind of hurt to hear him say that. 

"If people see you with me, they'll start to pick on you too.  I don't want that to happen." He finished.  He wants to make sure that I don't go through what he is forced to deal with. 

"I don't care what they think." I replied before the boy looked at me surprised. We walked through the doors and made our way across the parking lot. 

"Besides,    I wanted to ask you about something.   Did you put this in my locker?" I asked while giving him the note. He read it before flipping it over. He shook his head as he gave the note back to me.

-??? pov

"I only have black pens and pencils. I never had a red pen before." I replied before she sighed and put the paper in her bag.

"I don't think anyone does. The only people that do for sure are the teachers." She stated as we continued to walk down the sidewalk. I knew that she was curious about who put the note in her locker.    I was honest with her. I'm not going to tell her that I put the note in her locker, but I still told her the truth.     I don't have a red pen. She suddenly stopped walking. I stopped a few steps later and looked back at her.

"This is my house." She stated. I looked at her house for a moment. 

"Ok.    I'll see you Monday then." I replied before I continued walking. 

"I never got your name." She added before I stopped and looked at her. I wasn't expecting her to ask for my name.

"Helen.    Yours?" I asked even though I already knew her name. She smiled.    Her smile was perfect. 

"Y/n." She replied. I nodded my head before I continued walking towards my house. My mind was going crazy. She is beautiful inside and out. She was kind even when I tried to push her away.        For her own sake, I shouldn't be anywhere near her,   yet I enjoy her company. I feel a sense of happiness at the sight of her even from a distance.   I'm going wild at the thought of her.      I want to see her again. The weekend has started,     but that doesn't mean I can't see her during those days.

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