Ch.7 Debt

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-Lucas pov

I closed the front door as quietly as I could before running down the street. I told the guys that I'll bring the beers and I have every intention of doing so.  I left them in the alley not too far from Gage's house. Hopefully I hid them well enough that no one else could find them.

"Hello Lucas." A voice said. I paused and looked around. My first thought was that one of the guys went to look for me, but it's not like I'm taking my sweet ass time getting the beers. I could see a figure step out of the shadows. Some boy in a mask.

"The hell are you?" I said before the boy started laughing quietly.

"You've known me for a long time. Funny that you don't recognize me." He replied. The freak doesn't need to say anything else. I rolled my eyes at him and walked away to get the beers. I could hear him matching my steps even when I turned down the alley. I had enough of it when I reached the beers.

"Stop following me jackass!" I shouted at him. I brushed the plastic bags to the side and was about to grab the pack, but then I paused. Why is this freak laughing?

"Debt doesn't disappear just like that Lucas." He commented. I set the beers down and started walking towards him. I've had enough of this bull.

"Not until you pay for it." I replied while raising my fists. If the freak wants a fight, I'll gladly give it to him.

"Exactly." He whispered before taking out a knife.

-Helen pov

Lucas immediately froze in his steps and started shifting side to side for a moment. My knife clearly killed his confidence. I could see his eyes frantically looking to the side to find a way out of the situation he willingly walked into. He can't run past me and avoid the grasp of death. It's amusing to see him think he can outsmart me. I already had taken my first step after him as he turned to run further down the alley. I was ahead of his every move. Lucas was always so predictable. We eventually reached a three-way intersection. I sped up as soon as he paused to try and decide what route to take. He has quick feet, but not a quick mind. It didn't take long for me to catch him as soon as he ran across the intersection.

"This is for Y/n." I whispered while my knife pierced him. I made his death fairly quick, but long enough for him to suffer before crossing the border of death. I looked at the walls for a moment before getting some blood on my fingers to paint. I never got the chance to do this with Mr. Travis' corpse. No one truly knows what other shit he got into other than it was bad, but I know.  I know what he had on his phone. I know what he did in his past before starting at this school. Sick bastard. Luckily, Y/n is safe from him now. I sighed before resting my blood-drenched hand on the wall. I wanted to paint an image of her on the wall, but I cannot get her involved in this especially when the police start asking questions and seeking answers. I was reluctant to scrap that idea and draw my usual smiling faces on the wall. When I was done, I took out a piece of paper and started writing. The sudden drop of water hitting the back of my neck made me flinch before more drops followed. I sighed while putting the note away as I watched the rain start wearing down the smiles on the wall. My work is done, but I need to see her before I return home. I made my way through the allies before approaching her house. I stood across the street and looked at the only window with lights on. I could see her brushing her h/c hair. I sighed and continued to watch her as the rain continued to pour. The back of my mind was yelling at me. This is wrong. This is going to cost your friendship. This is not love. This is obsession. That voice in my mind is right.  I want to stop it, but the only way I know of is for her to hate me. For us to not be friends anymore, but will that be enough to stop me? I don't know. I hope so. The more time I spend with Y/n, the more obsessed I become. The notes I leave her don't seem to be working and she refuses to push me away. I sighed when she closed her curtains. There was a moment where I felt my heart jump. I could have sworn her eyes met mine.

Writing in Red Ink (Bloody Painter x reader)Where stories live. Discover now