Ch.11 Watching

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-Your pov

Christmas is in a few days. I wasn't expecting so many family gatherings this year. It made me feel bad for not being able to hang out with Helen yet, but the gatherings have been physically, mentally, and socially exhausting. I felt like I deserve a break after two big family get-togethers in a row. A day to simply read a book and escape reality. I scanned my bookshelf and found my favorite before putting my earbuds in to block out the world and be in my own. I was so deep into the story that I couldn't hear my mom calling me. I could hear my name getting louder before I took out my earbuds.

"What?!" I replied. I don't know how many times she called me, but I'm surprised that she didn't storm into my room for not responding sooner.

"Y/n, can you come downstairs?" My mom called out. I sighed and closed my book before walking down the steps to the living room. I immediately froze in my steps. Christmas came early.

"Oh my god!" I squealed before running over to Bf/n to hug her. I almost knocked her down from running so fast, but I really missed her.

"Bf/n wanted to come over and stay the night." My dad explained.

"I couldn't think of what to get you for Christmas so I thought I'd come over." She explained. I hugged her even tighter.

"This is perfect Bf/n!" I replied. My face hurt a little from smiling so much.

"Merry Christmas Y/n." She said while hugging me back. Today seemed to keep getting better. I can introduce Helen to her tomorrow, and we can all hang out then. The day was half gone, but Bf/n and I made the most of it. I lost track of time and before I knew it, dinner was ready. Bf/n was overjoyed that my mom made her favorite. The two of us talked and laughed a lot even after we were finished eating. Today felt like she never left. It was bittersweet though, and it stuck in my mind as I started picking up plates. I just wish it was true. The years would have been different and better.

"Y/n, you and Bf/n can get ready for bed and watch T.V. We'll take care of this." My dad stated. Bf/n grabbed my hand and we ran up the steps to my room. I was certain that we would have ripped the door down if she didn't open it in time. We gossiped a little before calling it a day. I finished getting ready for bed and walked to the TV to pick a movie.

"Y/n,     what are these notes?" Bf/n asked as she examined each of them resting on my dresser. I stood next to her and looked at the most recent one before looking back at my door. If I tell Bf/n, then it needs to be kept between her, Helen, and myself.

"Someone has been leaving them in my locker. I don't know who it could be in the school, but I know for sure that they are behind all the murders. They started out as reassuring, but then they quickly grew dark and scary. Now they're a new kind of dark and scary." I explained while reading a few.

"A love dark?" She said as she picked up one.

"An obsessed dark." I replied while looking at the first note. I don't understand how these simple notes could become so dark so fast. I looked at Bf/n as she read each one. I could tell that she was disturbed by them.

"Do          your parents know about this?" She asked. I sighed and shook my head.

"You and Helen are the only ones who know about this. There have been several classmates killed during the semester and I'm certain that the notes are from the murderer. The little smiles on the notes are the same smiley faces the killer leaves on the walls where their victim is found." I explained.

"I'm scared that if I tell too many people about it, then they'll be the killer's next victims." I finished while putting them away.

"Who's Helen?" Bf/n asked as we got in bed. I pressed play so the movie would start.

"He's a friend I made this year. Really the only friend I have in that dam school now." I replied. Bf/n raised an eyebrow. I had a feeling that she knows the Helen I'm talking about.

"Helen,     the boy with black hair? Normally kept to himself?  Bullied a lot?" She said. I sighed and nodded my head.

"Ya. I felt bad that he was alone in the school like me, so I started hanging out with him. Classmates haven't taken it kindly. We both get picked on now." I replied. Bf/n's eyes widened a little but seemed to burn slightly.

"It's Gage's group isn't it." She said. It's been a long time since I've heard Bf/n speak with such a tense tone. I nodded my head before her eyes softened. She lowered her head for a while before looking back at me.

"I wish you and Helen could go to my school. Either that, or my parents let me go back to your school.    We'd kick ass together. " She finished. I couldn't help but smile knowing that she meant every word.

"I'm glad I got you Bf/n." I said as I hugged her as she hugged me back. My worries faded away as we got comfortable in bed and watched the movie and chatting every now and then. We joked about a few of the characters and even fell head over heels for a couple. Bf/n was eventually fast asleep and I was following close behind. I managed to stay awake just long enough to see the end before the credits. I managed to turn it off before passing out. Today was the best day of Christmas break. Hopefully there will be more like this.


I jolted awake from the sound of Bf/n screaming. I looked at the source of what was giving her fear only for me to scream myself. There was a masked man in my room by my side of the bed. He frantically scurried back towards my window.

"Mom!! Dad!!" I screamed over and over as the man jumped out of the window and ran towards the edge of the roof before jumping off. The mask was the only thing I could vividly remember. White with the black eyes, but what stuck out the most was its red, dripping smile. It was the killer. There's no doubt in my mind. I immediately clung onto Bf/n as she did the same. Was he going to kill her?      Was he going to kill us? Bf/n was stuttering as she tried to say my name through her cries. She was struggling to even whisper to me.

"H-he was watching you, Y-y/n.       He was st-stan-nding there    watching you."

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Writing in Red Ink (Bloody Painter x reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя