Chapter 5 - Stall Naps

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"Daniel? What are you-" He cut himself off, what responses were there to that question? Oh, I'm watching TV on the big flat screen I installed in here.

He walked up to the one closed stall. Balling up his fist, he knocked. Feeling awkward as he did so.

He waited. Knocked again. "Fong, you in there?"

No answer. Nathan tilted his head, he saw no feet under the door. Okay, now his interest was mildly piqued.

"Fong are you even in here?" He asked louder. This was the closest bathroom to their class. It's the only one that made sense. So what, he went inside a stall, locked the door, crawled out and then ditched?

Guess you get detention. Nathan smirked to himself, ready to go back to report the news to his teacher. I guess I am a teacher's pet...

He took another look at the blue-lit bathroom. He couldn't just leave without figuring out where the light was coming from. Right?

He surveyed the area once more. It seemed to be coming from that stall. Nathan banged the stall door harder. Determined to open by sheer determination.

"What-" A stirred voice said, interrupted by a loud and sudden THUD! The light in the room changed from a blue to a brief orange before returning to normal.

Nathan could feel his pulse thrumming through his fingers, his breathing shallow. Once again his hand went up to knock.

This time there was a response. "A little busy in here."

"Um," Nathan's eyebrows knitted, "Daniel? Daniel Fong?"

"Yeah?" Danny sounded irritated.

"Mrs. Lee sent me to get you. You've been gone more than five minutes."

"Oh," there was a pause, then, "must have dozed off while going."

Nathan scrunched his face, TMI much?

"Um, okay." Nathan looked around the bathroom, not sure what to do next. "See you in a minute I guess?"


Nathan decided to wait in the hallway, he still wanted an explanation for the light and noise. Daniel was surprised to find him there.

"You the guy Mrs. Lee sent?" He asked.


"She ask you to walk me back to class too?"

"Uh, yeah."

Daniel nodded, rolling his eyes as he did so. He started walking, Nathan trailing behind.

"What were you doing in there?"

Daniel scrunched his face for a second, "Number 2, if you must know."

"No, I mean, with the lights. What was that?"

Did he see it too? Daniel turned to observe the other kid. His eyes momentarily betraying his feigned indifference.

Sleep paralysis. That's what his doctor had told him. He would suffer hallucinations while not knowing if he was asleep or awake. He wasn't supposed to be able to move, but he was never in them long enough to feel that effect. It usually happened as he was waking up. Strange lights in the room, the sensation of floating. Quickly followed by the sensation of falling, usually accompanied with a THUD. Then pain all over. (Or in this case, just his butt). That was the worst part, the falling, the landing. If he could just stay in that moment when he was feather light floating in a sea of colors. That would be amazing. His doctor told him that he had to follow better-sleeping patterns if he wanted it to end. But how could he sleep when all of his dreams plagued him with his worst memory?

"I don't know what you're talking about," Daniel said before walking back into their classroom.

Nathan squinted his eyes, what was this guy hiding? Now his interest was really piqued.

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