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I hate starting at a new school.

I groan as my eyes flutter open the see the sunlight streaming in through my window, and in my attempt to roll over and avoid it I just end up facing my alarm clock...which is two minutes away from going off loudly.

Well this is promising to be a rough day.

Throwing the covers off in defeat, I sigh and sit up on the edge of my bed, hitting the off button on my alarm just as it starts to ring. I stand up and do my normal morning stretch, leaning back until the spot between my shoulder blades pops. I then pad across the vinyl floor of my room to my adjoining bathroom, scratching my stomach as I yawn.

After I'm done using the bathroom and washing my hands, I wash my face with cold water and dry it. I put in my contacts carefully, not wanting to poke myself in the eye. Then I untie the loose braid that kept my hair from getting wild and tangled, as well as add some extra curl to my hair, letting it fall over my back. I love having my Mamas hair, her Fijian bloodline giving her beautiful curls...which I'm glad to have inherited.

I comb through it gently before braiding it again, this time starting above each temple and going down to the nape of my neck, pulling the rest into a low ponytail. After that I quickly brush my teeth, then go back through my bedroom to my closet to pick out what I'm going to wear today. Like Mom always says, first impressions are critical.

Cutting on the light for my closet, I slide the doors open and sigh as I see the boxes on the floor. I still haven't finished unpacking from when we moved in last week. I really need to finish...but not right now.

After a few minutes of debating I grab my golden-yellow shirt and my favorite denim skirt, I throw them on my bed and pull off my pajamas. Putting on my bra, ugh, I run to the bathroom to put on deodorant before I finish getting dressed. As I pull my skirt on, I thank myself for shaving my legs last night, otherwise I'd have to get up an hour earlier...or wear pants.

Just as I tuck part of my shirt into my skirt, I smell my favorite chocolate chip muffins downstairs in the kitchen.

"Darling? Are you awake?" Mama calls up to me.

"Yeah Mama!"

"Good, finish getting dressed and come get your breakfast! I have to drop you off at school before I head to work!"

I quickly put in my dangle earrings that match my pearl studs before sliding into my favorite black flats with the bows on top, grabbing my book bag and purse and checking to make sure I packed my glasses before heading downstairs. I inhale deeply as I reach the kitchen, and I smile as I see Mama eating one of the warm muffins as she stands at the stove, careful not to get any crumbs on her favorite navy blue suit. Her curly hair is pulled back into a bun with a few loose strands framing her face, her lipstick is red today, and she's even taller in the high heels that match her suit.

"Are they as good as they smell?" I chuckle, and she jumps a bit as I startled her.

"Yes, gracious you scared me darling!" She says after swallowing, and she smiles as she takes in the sight of me.

"Do I look okay?"

She brushes a thumb over my cheek, inspecting my face thoroughly.

"You look beautiful, as always darling."

I blush a bit and set my bags down so I can grab my breakfast.

"You look good too Mama, do you have a case today?" I ask, knowing she usually wears her favorite suit when she first gets a new case. Her work at the law firm is stressful sometimes, but she loves it

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