7 | no turning back now

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One thing about retreat was it was a failure. It was a weakness, an inlet for the eagles that scaled the sky to feast upon. Leaving Tony's side served as a huge indifference between us and the predator beyond the enemy lines. Swoop in and feed on what they desired. I wasn't going to let the fear betray me—I was going to put on a poker face and handle it. I forced myself to believe that leaving the lab was for the best to figure out everything that was on my plate. 

I was in the mire of hesitation when the first set of scan results came in. Nearly eating my words when the ultrasounds and MRI outcomes flashed on the holographic screen, JARVIS monotonous words following the rest. I fixated my stare on the black-and-white, three-dimensional figure and holding back a prodding finger of curiosity. It was just a tiny, little blip. A dot that had the capability of wrecking my world a thousand times over.

'So, it's true,' I gathered the strength to utter out. 'It's really happening.'

'Already six weeks in. Healthy and developing.'

'Christ,' I smothered a hand over my mouth to contain a gasp, 'that quick?'

'I believe congratulations are in order,' the AI said with what felt like joy in his voice. Except I didn't feel too exultant about the piece of information. 'Shall I fix Mr Stark on the line for you?'

A militia of chills marched down my spine and the hairs on my neck standing up with apprehension. My heart was beating so loud that it felt like it was going to escape my chest and bolt before anything else befell my course. As if on instinct, a hand went over my navel and my eyes shutting intuitively. Anymore malleable and I swore I could have felt the small, tympanic beat of the new life inside me. 

'No,' I said under my breath, unfit to talk to anyone. 'Not him.'

'Happy Hogan is at the foyer.'

As the sequence bled through, I dropped my stance as soon as it came. A light blond blur advanced past the entrance and searching the living room, immediately laying his gaze on me with a catechistic gaze in the kitchen. He looked sideways to the screen in front of me and I worked quicker than a racer, fluttering my hands over the end task button and sucking in the holographic screen. I glanced back at the wide-eyed man with a shrug.

THE ELEVENTH HOUR » tony stark ²Where stories live. Discover now