Ch. 2, Welcoming Death

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Chapter Two

Upon entering your clinic, you were greeted by many people waiting for your services.  A shiver ran through your body.  You could already imaging the pain that would greet you upon closing time.  At times like these, you desperately wished you weren't the only doctor in the area. 

Hours seemed to fly before the chaotic wave of patients came to an ease.  Although it was so early in the day, your body was quickly beginning to give out.  A familar soreness  danced along your muscles.  

Damn, it's only been four hours and I'm  already feeling such horrible aches?

Normally, you could last a whole day of healing.  However, at the rate you were currently going, you would end up dying before sun down.  War brought in disease and wounds that were impossible to fight against, even for you. 

"[Y/n]-san, you really need to take a break.  I can handle it from here," Suikotsu, your colleague, says as he hands you a glass of water. 

"Sui-kun... I can't rest with all these people needing my help." you sigh, looking up at him with tired eyes. 

Suikotsu had been your medical companion for years and was on the way to becoming a fine doctor.  You two have been together since the beginning and if you were to let anyone treat your patients, it would definitely be him.  He knew you better than anyone and laughed at your unwillingness to leave the clinic.

"But [Y/n]-san, you have to rest!" Suikotsu insists as he lifts you from the ground and pushes you towards your home.  You laughed, slightly wincing from the pain of him pushing you so roughly.

"Alright thank you, Sui-kun.  I'll be back."


Three Years Ago

A young [Y/n] walked into the forest with a basket.  She was determined to collect herbs despite being exhausted from yesterday's patients.  It was flu season, which could be an absolutely awful battle for doctors like her.

She ventured deeper into the trees, picking up everything that was even in the slightest bit useful.  Soon her basket was overflowing with numerous plants and flowers. 

"Finally done," [Y/n] says as she sets her basket down.  Her body ached and she was dying to get a minute of sleep.  After practically throwing herself onto the floor, [Y/n] shuts her eyes, desperate to fall into the hands of slumber.

However, she couldn't and wouldn't fall asleep.  No matter how many times she rolled around or changed sleeping positions.  Every since she entered the forest, a lingering presence would continously tugged at her, begging and yearning for help.

[Y/n] rises from the ground, cautiously looking around her.  It was as if the presence was wavering, a flame threatening to blow out.

She darts further into the woods, leaving her basket and following the presence.  A mixture of worry and curiosity whirled around inside her.  She had never felt such an odd feeling

Suddenly, [Y/n] freezes.  The body of a bloody man lays in the middle of the woods.  His hair  messy, his clothes tethered.  He lays in a pool of his own blood.

She gasps, immediately running to the man and pouring the remains of her spiritual energy into his wounds.  Instantly, the man's eyes shoot open and his breathing evens.  Relieve flows through [Y/n]'s system.

"D-did saved me? W-why?"  he stutters in disbelief. His voice wavered, confuses as to why would someone save him. [Y/n] sighs and tucks a [h/c] strand of hair behind her ear.

"You looked like you needed it," she says with a heartwarming smile, cupping the man's face in her delicate hands, "Don't worry, you're safe with me."

"W-what is your n-name?"

"[Y/n], and yours?"



You walked through a door that separated your home from the clinic, collapsing once out of sight from your patients and Suikotsu. 

Exhaustion began setting in as your body made contact with the floor.  It was getting increasingly difficult to breathe and you could feel your energy shooting to dangerously low levels.  You didn't have much time left.  Nothing could save you.

"[Y/n]-san!" your new friend, Rin, yelled as she ran to your side.  After the children had finish playing, you brought her back to your home in hopes of taking her under your wing. 

You smiled meekly at her and desperately tried to push yourself off the ground.  It was embarrassing, really.  You had just met the girl and were already showing her a weak side of you. 

"Don't push yourself, [Y/n]-san!" she says, grabbing hold of your shoulders and gently pushing you back onto the floor.  Your face flushed, ashamed of relying on an eight year old for assistance.  She had such a sweet heart.

"I'm fine, Rin-chan," you mumbled, "Have you eaten yet?"


"Ah, good," you shut your eyes, feeling your breathing begin to shallow, "Atleast I can leave this world knowing that your stomach isn't empty."

"W-what are y-you talking about, [Y/n]-san?" she says with tears forming in her eyes.  Although she had just met you, she looked up to you as a role model.  She had never met someone as kind as you were.

"[Y/n]-san? [Y/n]-san?" Rin screams, tears falling from her eyes. 


Just incase you forgot, Suikotsu is apart of the Shichinintai, also known as the Band of Seven.  He first appears in episode 103 of Inuyasha :)  He will be incredibly critical to the development of this story.  I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter.  Sesshomaru is on his way very, very soon!


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