How to: BE HAPPY

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So this morning I woke up pretty upset and moody but I thought, you know what? Life is short so don't waste a second of it unhappy. But then it dawned on me, I have school which means that about 6-7 hours every weekday is spent in that hell we call school. After school, there is barely time for me to chill out because I'm so busy with school work and homework. I also have this 5/6 week project that we get so that stresses me out even more. That made me go from upset to downright depressed. The whole point of this mini rant shows you that just listing ONE thing that make me unhappy instantly did. I then thought, why not make a list of things that do make me happy?

I did and reading it over, surprisingly, made me turn from a crabby old lady into someone you could actually approach without fearing that I would bite your head off.


1) Books. I love how when you read a book you are so absorbed in the book that you almost forget you're in the real world. It's a chance to let go of all your stress and live in the book.

2) Friends. Having supporting friends who don't let you do stupid things alone, who will be there for you, support anything you do or say and advise you. You can spill any worries and secrets knowing it will stay safe (unless you are really bad at picking friends and end up with a two-faced monster). It's like the sisters or brothers you never had. If you get what I mean.

3) Family. My family will always stay by my side and they know me inside-out. They probably know me better than I do. I can always come home knowing that they will brighten my mood. I am so lucky to have such a great family and for that I am grateful.

4) Disney. Three words; I LOVE DISNEY. Always have and always will. I still cannot believe how I used to wish I could grow up to be an adult and all that crap. All I want now is to turn back time and live through my childhood. As a child you are so free and careless thinking everything is gonna be alright. Well, unless you suffered from anxiety or over-thinking then you would've probably been freaking out about the next earthquake on the other side of the world or getting all anxious about speaking to your crush. Back to the point, everything related to Disney is so cute and often inspiring that I could end up falling in love with the same movie millions of times. I just... I don't know, I simply love it and it makes me feel happy.

5) Really Cool Photos. Like those photos or edits just make you pause, stare and smile in admiration for like 20 seconds. It could be anything from a simple grunge photo or a super cute picture of a panda.

6) Stuffed toys and animals. Uuuuuuhhhh. I. LOVE. THEM. SO. SO. SO. DAMN. MUCH. I wanna take them all and sleep with them forever. They are so soft and cute and cuddly and... I could go on but they just make me feel so happy and excited like a 5 year old.

7) New Clothes. I love that feeling you get when you buy new clothes and then the next day you can't wait to wear them out. LIKE A BOSS! No? Ok then... *rejected loner face*

8) My Name. I love it when people say a phrase and a sentence and add my name  It kinda makes me feel special and remembered and also being adressed by who I am and not just in general gives me this tingly feeling and I really like it. Example: "What do you think, Sarah?". Love it, love it, love it.

9) Trying Out New Things. I feel really proud of myself when I try out anything from a new hairstyle or a physical activity.

10) Making Other People Happy. I know how it feels to be ignored, unhappy, alone, afraid... So as a person, I just happen to be extra careful about what I do and say because I know how much it hurts to feel the kind of emotions I have so I really don't want other people feeling the same. Doing something as small as helping an old lady/man with lots of shopping or even a busy mother across the street can immediately brighten up their day. That just makes me feel like the happiest person in the world.

Part 2 will be up soon!

Why are all my readers now deciding to be ghosts?! Where are the comments, votes, follows, requests and suggestions?!  Now I feel sad... Great (!) Oh and Wattpad has decided to annoy me by updating and now I can't find my dedication button... So cool, Wattpad, so cool (!) Guys, please note all this sarcasm.

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