How To: Keep Eyelashes Curled

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Ok, so this one is really simple as easy as I've been using this trick for yeeaaarrrsss...

All you need to do is blow warm air onto your eyelash curler until it heats up and then curl your lashes. It basically acts the same way as you curl the hair on your head so please try not to touch your skin with it as you might burn it. Of course you mustn't forget that heat does cause damage overtime so I wouldn't recommend doing this on a daily basis but on special occasions when you don't really wanna pull out your falsies.

TIP: After a day of curling my lashes like this and/or applying mascara I always wash my face (of course) and apply 100% PURE VIRGIN COCONUT OIL which you can find anywhere as it is all purpose but it MUST BE 100% PURE VIRGIN and I use a cotton swab or spoolie to apply it to my lashes to keep them nourished. I also applied coconut and castor oil when growing out my eyebrows, so that's an especially good combo to replenish and grow.

Loved seeing your comments and suggestions, keep them coming my loves!





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