Common Misconceptions Part 2

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11) Sushi does not mean "raw fish" and anyway, not even all sushi even actually contains raw fish. It just means vinegared rice.

12) It is not dangerous to wake sleepwalkers. Yes, they will be a little confused but they're more likely to harm themselves or others if they are not awoken.

13) Bulls do not hate the colour red. They are actually colour-blind which means that they react to/think of the bull-fighter's movement of the cloth as a threat.

14) Bats are not blind but they use echolocation to hunt and navigate.

15) It doesn't actually state in the Bible or any other religious sources that Satan rules Hell.

16) Goldfish do not have a 3-second memory span. Their memory can actually last for as long as a year.

17) Bananas don't grow on trees. They grow on herbs that look like them which technically means that the banana is a berry.

18) Dogs and cats don't see in greyscale, they see in shades of blue and green.

19) No evidence suggests that sugar consumption increases hyperactivity.

20) Sushi does not mean raw fish; it means sour rice.

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