You are not "mature" until...

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Nowadays we have 13year olds claiming to be mature and whatnot. Maturity is not just the ability to restrain yourself from acting irresponsible and silly but something much deeper.

Maturity is having full control over yourself meaning that you think logically and realistically and therefore not allow people to toy with your mind.

Maturity is having that sense of independence which you will come to recognize once you realize your parents or guardian have instilled great trust in you to do something or be allowed to do something that you wouldn't normally. This is also being able to make decisions for yourself and being able to think of the consequences that would trail after a probably bad choice.

Maturity is using sites like social media without putting yourself in danger or abusing it. It being the mobile phone or computer itself. Being able to avoid danger in general is a sign of maturity.

Having clear sighting of your future goals and working very hard to get there is maturity.

Maturity is having gratitude for everything you have and understanding why I'm actually telling you to be grateful right now.

Maturity is selflessness and care for others. You are able to sympathise and even relate to other people's emotions; offering comfort.

Guilt and regret wallowing inside of you shows that you know how bad what you did was and the guilt is often wanting to do something and make it right or at least help the situation. The regret is you being annoyed, angry or even disappointed in yourself for thinking that what you did or said was ok and therefore you are maturing by learning from your "mistakes" and irresponsibility.

I'm trying to update more often but it's easier said than done. Hope this chapter was in any way relevant, helpful or enjoyable to read. I try to refrain myself from reading any other girl's guides so I can keep everything in my book original as possible so I guess this chapter was another one of my own ideas!





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