How To: Take A Good Selfie

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I know tons of people who take a selfie and instantly end up complaining about a little detail. Are you ever that person? Well, fear not! After reading this you should be a selfie pro! Thank you to tropxcalvibess for suggesting this and a few other updataes!

step 1: Before you get started, make sure you are happy with the way you look. This means that later on you can skip straight to the photo instead of moaning over your appearance.

step 2: To take a good photo, you need to have the right lighting. The natural lighting is the best to use (not direct sunlight, just normal daylight) however if it is not bright, I wouldn't take a selfie.

step 3: The background is also very important. If you are taking a photo that does show your room, at least clean up your room a little and make it look decent. (If it isn't already). However, I sometimes prefer to take pics with a white background. There are many ways to do this such as; lean against a white wall, hang up white sheets, lean against a white door etc. I, personally use the "door" method but it's up to you.

step 4: Choose a pose or facial expression that suits you. REMEMBER: allow your personality to shine through! This makes you unique and an original.

step 5: Once you have had your "selfie session" it's time for you to pick your ultimate photo. Immediately delete any photos that you HATE and then you should be down to at least 4. From there, you have to choose which 2 of them you're going to delete. THEN, you are left with 2 selfies which you have to choose between to make 1.

step 6: Editing your selfie/s are a big part of "selfie sessions" nowadays but it's completely fine if you prefer to not edit your photo.

Top recommended editing apps:




Pixlr Express



Photo Editor by Lidow



This was certainly... ummm... interesting to type! Comment anything that you think I have left out of this "selfie guide" or anything that YOU do. Really hope you liked it though. I have many more fun, random updates for you guys to come so...





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