ch-10 no way!

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"bro that's not how you do it man you have been trying to do the same god damn thing since ages" I yelled as Tyler was trying to tie a tie for his 'date'

"I knew how to do it a few months a go Noah" Tyler yelled back looking into the mirror trying to figure out his tie

"Ugh!! Can you just wait bro "

"No " Tyler replied with a grin on his face thats still facing the mirror

DHAD DHAD DHAD DHAD !!! I banged on the washroom door in which Jake has been since forty minutes

"Bro if u don't come out this guy is going to choke himself with a tie !" I screamed loud enough for him to listen through the thick door

I could hear him laugh and a door opening sound "here I am " he said with one of his eyebrows raised

I opened my arms facing Tyler who is still standing in front of the mirror trying to figure out how to tie a tie

Jake chuckled and slowly walked towards Tyler, he shook his shoulder making Tyler let go of the tie and look at him . Jake simply pulled one part of the tie that fixed the whole mess around his neck

Tyler's eyes widened as Jake taped Tyler on his shoulders and gave him a smile

Tyler hugged Jake tightly and sighed , "thanks bro" Tyler held Jake's neck tightly and kissed him on the cheek making Jake wipe his cheek several times

Both of them looked at Noah who was sitting on a chair with her legs folded on another chair and a bag of chips in her hand with a mouthful of them

Did I just refer to myself I'm a this person? Yes I did!

"Roses are red , violets are blue " Tyler started "I thought angles were the most beautiful and then I saw you" he blushed

"What on earth was that ??" Me and Jake said in unison

"Umm what , that was my opening line " Tyler shrugged

"Ahhaaa ok yeah I get it " Jake said in sarcasm

"Exactly master plan" I joined his sarcasm

" Omg I know right , I knew you guys would love it " Tyler shrugged again

"Listen buddy there is a reason for everything " Jake said tapping on rules shoulder

"What is that supposed to mean " Tyler furrowed his eyebrows

" It means" I started off , my arm on his free shoulder

" There is a reason you're a loner " I laughed and Jake gave a high five as he joined my laughter

" You guys are brutal " he said with his eyes wide

"In human language it's known as brutally honest" we laughed again at the situation

" Ok then tell me what to do " he shrugged

"Dude just be yourself " Jake sighed unlocking his phone

"Ok now please leave you don't have time for all this " I said opening the door for Tyler to go

As Tyler left the room Jake looked at me and sighed "I hope everything goes well"

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