Ch-2 my last word with her

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I was the closest to my mom before she left me  and So ofcourse my AHD has not always been there

it started when my grandma passed away I called her granny and I was very very attached to her

My dad after my mom's death decided to send my granny to and old-age home my granny lived there for long

One day I went to meet her while she was very sick

And she said "Noah I am gonna die soon but remember one thing I always did and I always will love u darling "

My eyes filled with tears and a deep voice comes out saying "I love u too granny you've been my bestie forever "

she says in a dull voice "just do these things for me get fans in this old-age home and get a fridge too because there is no way of storing food over here and I slept without eating many times "

I reply "u have stayed here for so long but u never told me all this and ur telling me now when u have very less time "

"yes Noah, but if ur children leave u here one day I don't want u to lead you're old-age the way I did "

I have her a tight hug with my eyes filled with tears saying once again

"love u grandma"

Now years passed from my grannys death and it gave me AHD in return

It's a new day while me and tyler walk down the street waiting for Meghan and Jake to join us Meghan gives a tap on my back ,

I look back and say "get you're ugly hand of me "

Meghan suspiciously looks at me with her eyes squeezed and her jaw on the ground ,

meanwhile Jake joins us

"are u guys gonna move or just look at me like jerks school is gonna start " I exclaimed while Tyler stands there emotionless as always ,

Jake with the same expression as meghan and meghan come up to me saying

"u didn't take ur pills today did u !!??" I yell with alot of grump

So ofcourse it's only these three people who know about my AHD they cheer me up

We reach school and suddenly Tyler drags me to his locker saying "u forgot something ??"

I reply in a confused tone " guess,y?"u have some extra AHD pills in my locker dumbo

""omg thanks alot " with a relief in my heart and soul I gulp the pill and everything suddenly slows down we get back to Jake and Meghan who are sitting in the canteen like loners waiting for me and Tyler we gather as meghan questions "what classes do u have next ?"

Science says Tyler meghan says English Jake says bio and in a grumpy voice I say maths while they start laughing at me " haha very funny" I say in sarcasm "like maths was already hard and they had to make it even harder by adding letters to it ,I mean face it algebra ur X is gone stop asking me to fine her ,and moreover there is a test which I am definitely not gonna attend anyone ready to bunk??" All of them chuckle and reply "yes ofcourse "


We all went of to the school garden jake on his phone Meghan creeping in Jake's phone while me and Tyler zone out talking about some topic that we won't remember in the next few minutes suddenly tressa the cool kid of the school jumps out of no where

"what on earth !!!" Says Tyler

meghan looks at her and speaks in shock "are u nuts u scared the hell out of me "

"are u guys done with ur drama , I've come here to talk !" Says tressa with great arrogance and ego

I slam back at her "listen honey we understand how jobless u are but we have stuff to do will u excuse us please"

Tyler chuckles and imitates tressas jaw that was pushed to the ground tressa walks out of there with her eyes filled with greed of revenge as she couldn't think of a comeback savage enough

We all spent some time in the garden when Jake said in a very loud voice "guys we have a school fest next week anyone ready to come along with me ??"

All of us thinking about our plans on that day and Tyler says in sarcasm

"wait Jake I need to think I am a very busy person u know " me and Meghan chuckle at what Tyler said then we all together agree to going to the fest

"Listen dumbos nothing comes for free"Jake rolled his eyes with a small grin

Me Tyler and Meghan with alot of confusion on our faces "what do you mean ?"

Jake says in superiority "u need to pay for the passes "rolling his eyes at us Meghan scoffed "ok fine ! Wanna go buy the passes "

" yeah sure " I reply
We go to the reception asking the receptionist for the passes "wait a minute I'll get it from the room beside "he said with a smile making its way into his face

While we four were waiting near the reception we hear a very annoying yet familiar voice from behind us"hey" yeah u guessed right it's tressa
We four look behind when tressa questions"bunking class huh ! Noah I thought you were the topper was I wrong "

Tyler in my defence yells at her "take a seat honey cuz I am gonna correct u in many ways right now first off ur bunking class too so don't teach us , second off Noah is not a topper , third u don't have to attend classes to be a topper fourth ur not invited to talk to us I don't think anyone of us did and last but not the least u may leave now "

tressa ignores and walks away As if she didnt care

ere are ur passes says the receptionist from the back of us we turn and grab our passes while Jake starts whispering" god know what took you so long"

We all go back to the garden when meghan explained "guys!!!!"" What's up with u, are u nuts" yells Jake "it's been four classes and we haven't attended a single one " Meghan replies "actually let's go home I kinda feel sick " all of us agreeing to what Tyler says moves out of that place on our ways back home when we all divided and went on our lanes that leads us home tressa pops out of nowhere as usual and says "left school huh!? Where is ur lame group ? Must h..." I cut her of saying "dude don't u have another part-time besides spying on me and my friends like get a life dude "

Tressa taps me on my back saying "listen I care for u ok I am trying to keep u away from the people who u are with now ,u get what I am trying to say right ?" I am trying not to be rude and to avoid communicationafter this although I understood what she said and I know that it doesn't matter "kk I gotta leave "

Hey guys ! this part was longer and I hope you enjoyed it

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