CH-4 was I over thinking

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Days past and here comes the school fest as usual Tyler emotionless ,me and Jake pretty excited just for the dj and dance floor while meghan is busy searching the menu of the fest

We take our seats in the second row which is so close to the stage that we felt like PPL were talking directly to us

Everyone where saying their speeches which we four we ofcourse not interested in it

we folded out legs on each other tightened our hoods and started texting each other even tho we were beside each other ,

we Didn't want it to seem obvious that we ain't interested

We all decided to get the hell out of this place but one by one again for obvious reasons .

We managed to get out , Phew ! We all said in unison .

We sat down a a far place from both the stage and the other tables too .

About an hour passed , we all were feasting on the pizza and French fries ,but as i thought our evening can't be so incredibly nice , there come .......................................

Imaginary drum roll please

Tressa "hey guys sup"

"hey tressa sup so happy to see you  "said meg in sarcasm

  "i guess you forgot what i had said huh ?"

I rolled my eyes and said

"you're right "

and gave her a big thumbs up for some reason

Tyler and Jake where very quiet tressa walked away , looked back and screamed

"remember Noah you'll thank me latter "

i whispered underneath my breath "whatever "

After this for whatever reason Meghan become weird .

She showed  attitude the whole night  and groaned at everything we said Tyler and Jake thought it was just that time of the month ,

but i knew Meghan the best atleast i thought so , Meghan didn't have mood swings at all

The fest was over but Meghan's weird behaviour continued until we reached home .

Jake and Tyler knew me too well too

Jake  texted me 

>> Jakey

Listen thus is from me and Tyler and we know that it thinking about Megan but u need to stop because she might just have some fam issues that she will tell us later relax!!gn love u


<< Dumbnuggets

Wowoww all of a sudden u started caring so much dude and yes u know me too well !!gn and no I don't love u ;)


a very small relief came into my face i didn't think about it much and gave my pillow a tight cuddle and slept ..................

Next morning , i checked my phone and there were 120unread msges !
Usually i get 30 -40 by the morning because of the family group

but this time it was more than double my eyes were wide open and i checked my phone to see there were 36 from the family group and rest from Tyler and Jake

It said many many times just in different words  that we have to meet !
I took a shower as fast as i could and rushed to the point where we normally meet

Tyler and Jake already waiting for me i suspicious and confused why meg wasn't there

I exclaimed to them "what's the matter guys ??" They didn't say a word and just showed me their text msges with Meg

All the msges were bizarre they displayed stuff so rude that meg had said to Jake and Tyler she said stuff like
•brainless idiots
•dude there is hight of dumbness
•omg will u stop I have to sleep now
And so on

I was shocked and sad but to keep the situation calm I told them "guys it's a text no one knows what her emotion was behind the phone as u were not talking face to face "

Tyler and Jake knew what was actually in my mind but the shut calm and said "let's just go "

We reached school and saw Meghan talking to one of the girls who she used to hate initially we went up to her and said "Hey meg " for the first time we didn't even jing each other

Meg didn't even say anything but moved her two fingers symbolising hey but in the mean girl way

I looked at her in confusion and said "hey look at my new shoes I got yesterday"
She looked and said
"Atleast I won't be embarrassed roaming with you anymore "I was so shocked As if someone proved to me that I was an alien

I was shocked not only because of her extremely rude reply also because that was the pair of shoe that was mine but megs fav and she would also borrow it sometime

After long time we four didn't even skip one class until lunch time we four were in bad moods until lunch and then we sat together

And we saw that Meghan was actually sitting alone , like holly molly s**t dude me and Tyler went to her and furiously asked "what do you think you're doing huh?"

She said while rolling her eyes "i would rather be alone than sit with u guys " Meghan had never spoke like that to us we ran and said what ever just happened word by word

Jake said cold blooded "chill leave her alone don't let her effect us " we agreed with him and went out of the canteen without even eating anything

We skipped the next three lectures after lunch talking about randoms stuff and went home

This time even Jake and Tyler didn't tell not to think about it much because deep down we all knew that know of us will be able to stop thinking about megs bizarre behaviour

The next day I asked Meghan what is all this about she said with alot of irritation as if she had been tolerating me "nothing you're just over thinking "

I was fed up and we three left her alone for  6 days and then finally she spoke something

Hey guys !! Please comment and tell me how it was

Cote !

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