Thankfully, the camp had decided to hang sheets up on the back of the wagons, creating a small changing room. Ms. Grimshaw had the idea after she saw Bill changing pants one time.

Apollo got a good brushing and an apple. Carrots were his favorite, but she had ran out. Mounting up, she was off.

The warm morning only became hotter as the sun creeped higher and higher into the sky. She tried to take Hosea's advice, and not worry, but it was hard not to think about what Arthur was doing with those two. Probably another bank or wagon job, she thought, but it was hard to push away the worrisome thoughts.


The little house stood in the same place it did last time. It appeared the same, with the mess outside.

With a gentle knock, Jane stood patiently outside. There was a crash in the house, followed with cursing, but then the door opened wide.

"Ah, Jane O'Hare!" Marley said, a smile on her face. "Never forget a kind face or name! How ya been?"

Jane couldn't help but smile at the woman. There was something calming about her. "I've been good. And you?"

She ushered Jane inside. "Good, good. I've been well. I have something here I think you're going to be excited about."

"Did you get the cure?" Jane asked excitedly, like a child on Christmas.

"Not quite. I've confirmed that the penicillin can fight infection, and we already know that TB is an infection, but I need to try pairing the two together to see the reaction."

"So, how can I help?" Jane asked.

Marley set down the vial, wiping her hands on her pants. "Is Arthur here?"

Jane shook her head. "He's being... difficult about this. He doesn't know I'm here."

"I see." Marley was quiet for a moment. "Has he coughed up blood yet?"

"No," Jane said quickly. "He hasn't."

Marley rubbed her hands together, appearing deep in thought. "We might have to wait for a bit then. I need a sample of blood that he coughs up. Obviously wash your hands after."

"A sample of the blood he coughs up?"

She nodded. "Yes. I need some of the TB microorganism to see how it reacts with the penicillin."

"If that works..."

"If that works," Marley finished, "then we have got ourselves a cure."

Jane felt elated. There was a way to beat Tuberculosis, and it was right at their fingertips.

Then a realization popped into her mind. "Marley, what if it's too late at the point where Arthur's coughing up blood?"

The room seemed to darken at the question. "Well, I... I'm sure it won't," Marley said. "If everything goes to plan, we should have our cure soon."

"Alright," Jane said quietly, but was soothed by her confident words.

The room was quiet, and the only sounds present were the soft clatter of dishes that Marley was busy with.

"Anytime, Cowgirl." : Arthur Morgan X OCOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant