I'm back~Mess of ships (South Park.)

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I've been too depressed to really do shit so yeah. Hiii.
Warnings: Average.
Ages: 20 to 26.... don't ask me. This is an AU.
Kyle's PoV.

"Good afternoon, gentlemen," I say, bowing almost mockingly, refusing to take my eyes off my playing partner's. Stan comes out first, laughing.

"Why thank you, gentleman," he says, kissing my hand in a humorous way. He is the only one I have small respect for, thus making him a good friend of mine.

Cartman walks past, no words. Stan rolls his eyes at him but says nothing.

Kenny walks out and bows to us. I have no respect for this man, honestly, his ways are sinful and the fact he has his beautiful body to accomplish his horrid things with is disgusting to me. My family has had zero respect for years when it comes to them and I won't break the tradition any time soon.

Last to walk out, what should be our old partner, is now his daughter, Wendy. Stan practically runs to kiss her ass. Poor thing, been asking for her hand since she turned legal and is still on the no from her and maybe from her father.

"Wendy, you look marvellous today."

"Why thank you."

He kisses her hand. No drawback? Oh, Stan might have her this time!

"But I admit that I see you've been crying, m'lady. May I ask what for?"

"Oh... my father has recently fallen horribly ill. He has given you his blessing as he doesn't wish to lose his income. He said you were the one that he'd be most likely to approve of at our table."

I smile so widely my cheeks hurt. Stan has done everything to get wed to her, said he'd stop trying if this didn't work before she turned twenty two.

"Have you approved?"

STAN, NO. You're hurting yourself.

"Yes. I have, Stanley."

No way. Stan, you lucky bastard!

"Are you humouring yourself or are you truly—?"

"Yes, I have truly agreed."

I walk inside to Kenny, Cartman, Craig and Token at the table.

"Would you like good news, gentlemen?"


"Stan's done it! He has won Wendy over!"

"About time! That bitch was far too hard!" Cartman screams.

"Cartman," I warn, sitting down.

After moments, in come the lovebirds. Stan pulls her a chair and everything, they have gotten quite adorable.

"Why shall we begin?"

"Are we playing Old maid like we did six months back?" Token asks.

"Why yes! Three queens have been removed!" I say.

Token's an another person I can nearly respect. I would respect him if it weren't that he took the girl of my dreams and tied her down with kids. That was an awful trick.

Oneshot book 3..... Jesus Christ.Where stories live. Discover now