"I would be so awesome to be eating dinner with the Avengers right now." Ned told Peter, turning to look at him.

"A lot of the time it ends in a food fight. As long as Clint and Scott are there, at least."

"A food fight with the Avengers, awesome." 

Ned continued to say something, but a light buzz tingled in the back of Peter's spine, causing him to stiffen. He drowned out the noises around him, and heard a very faint voice scream for help. 

"Help! Somebody help me!" The voice shouted, coming from just below the tower.

"Peter? Bro?" Ned's voice came back, as he began waving a hand in front of his face.

"I need to go." Peter said abruptly as he got up, flashing Ned an apologetic smile. Ned gave him a thumbs up in understanding, assuming it was Spider-Man related. 

Peter didn't hesitate as he got up and quickly ran away, back towards their room where his Spider-Man suit waited. He thought he heard somebody, most likely Carrie calling after him, but he paid them no heed as he kept sprinting. It didn't take him long to reach the room. He dashed over to his bed, and ripped open his bag and pulled out the Spider-Man suit. As fast as he could, he changed into it, and finally pulled his mask over his head.

He dashed to the large window at the back of the room, opened up a single panel, and dove out the window and out of sight, disappearing into the night.

Meanwhile, the group was staring confused as Peter ran off without a word. 

"What the heck was that?" Betty asked, her eyebrows furrowing in confusion.

"Oh, uh... Peter really needed the bathroom." Ned told them, hoping to get them off Peter's back.

"The bathroom is just over there." Carrie murmured, pointing to a room that had the boys and girls sign above it.

"Oh. He didn't know it was there, so he just went to our room's bathroom." Ned replied, shrugging his shoulders.

"Maybe I should go check if he's alright, he looked stressed." Carrie suggested, already beginning to walk away.

Ned stood up slightly from his seat, panicking. "Oh, no, no that's fine Carrie, he was just busting to go. He's alright." He assured her. She looked reluctant as she looked at the teenager for a moment, before giving in.

"Alright. If he comes back soon then that's okay, but if he isn't back in five minutes I'm going to check." She decided. Ned nodded, hoping that Peter wasn't going to be long.

A few minutes began ticking by, and the group still sat in an awkward silence, most likely waiting for Peter's return. That's when the door creaked open, and Peter walked back inside. Ned sighed in relief. He had a hand clasping his side, as he came back and sat down beside Ned, a noticeable grunt escaping him. He glanced up and noticed the group looking at him.

"I'm good, I just needed the bathroom." He informed them, a slight strain to his voice. They all shrugged and returned to chatting to each other.

"We all good?" Ned asked Peter after everyone had turned away. Peter nodded. That's when Ned noticed his friend clasping the right side of his stomach with his left hand. His eyebrows were clenched together in obvious pain.

Ned began to panic slightly. "Dude, you okay?" 

"Yeah, nothing I can't fix up later." He replied, although he never looked up from the table. Ned looked closer, and saw blood begin to pool around Peter's fingers.

"Peter, your bleeding!" Ned hollered, probably a little bit to loud. The group looked up at that.

"Peter's bleeding?" Abe asked, leaning forward in his seat to see what Ned was screeching about.

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