Solving pt 5

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"No no no no  no no no no no...."Tsubaki walking in circular while hands holding his head.
"The fuck?!" Sakuya banged on the table, hard "You've got the code,yeah. But evidence?! Where are they?!"
"We didn't have a solid evidence yet but still we've been suspect him by the tine we encounter him" Licht glared at Sakuya "Also this is Lily's house so if the  table broke, it's your pay" the pianist looked at Lawless, pretty sure he still remember the chandelier problem
"Oh, we forgot the fact that Lily's the master of this house, sooooooo......." they looked at Lily "We DID made ourselves a weeee bit too comfortable in here..." Lily scoffed afterwards
"But Berukia can't be the criminal here!" Tsubaki complained "That's a streach too FAR!"
"But the evidence is THERE, Mr. I laugh so hard" Mikuni started to get so impatient "His magic of disapperance can proof why he can got out of the crime scene so fast, not too mention that we also sense a glimsp of smoke when we arrived at any room. Not too mention when we visited Berukia, he stopped for a second before saying,and yes, I noticed that!" Mikuni rebuttal, "Few weeks ago, I went to Berukia's and he seems too onow our house apperance even though we haven't told him before!" "WHAT IF IT'S A COINCIDENCE?! ANYONE CAN BE LIKE THAT?!"  Both turned their face to each other, frowning like they're trying to make a fight, and just before Tsubaki can argye back.
"Don't worry Mikuni," Licht back them down "We have enough evidence to this case, and for Tsubaki..." Licht pulled up a small, plastic bag with something in it "might recgonize this thing...." he then opened the bag.

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