HOW TO : Get Lawless out of the chandelier

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*There will be bad puns so don't like, don't watch*

Also, I'm study for the test so  I won't be updating recently like usual...But Hey! Test also over (only 4 subjects left and I'm free), thank you for all readers to visit my story, even there's less comments and votes, I'm still happy for the number of views. Also big thanks to @AS_Ally to be the first one to comment this story, I really, really thank you. Best wishes =)



LAWLESS!!!!????" Mahiru shouted as he witnessed the fact that Lawless is on the chandelier. 

"I'm okay,..I think...." Lawless's voice trembled as he moved a bit, making the chandelier dangle a little

"Good news that he's not  an acrophobia*.." Lily ,Tetsu and Hugh thought. The New mansion doesn't have a ladder, so the crew need to find ways. Hugh's bat form tried to carry Lawless's heghodge form, but Hugh's said Lawless was too heavy for him. Mahiru summoned his broom and told Lawless (still in heghodge) to climb, but Lawless was too scared. Jeje tried to reach him, but it just make things worse. 

"Where's Licht-tan?" Lawless asked. " In the shower" Lily replied, calmly

"Before things continue, tell us what happened?" Misono advised, the others agreeded

"Okay,.....but, it's gonna be.....weird......and hillarious" Lawless chuckled a bit, Sakuya 'yea,yea just tell' phrase made Tsubaki laughed


"Licht-tan..."  Lawless 's lying next to Licht, who's half-asleep. Lawless tried to get closer, he feel Licht is moving further.

"Licht-tan....come here~"  Lawless gets closer and hugged Licht, who's shocked with embarressment, he positioned his legs straight foward, his back lower down, he's able to do this because Lawless didn't hugg him too tight, a bit loose. But his pose...., his pose...., it's like....., like......

"Licht-tan......You look like a A-CUTE ANGLE**"

Lawless received a Angle-Kick Teenage***


Everyone laughed, line everyone, even Jeje, who's giggling like crazy but closed his mouth by his palm. Lawless also laughed, he's kicking his legs rapidly while holding his stomach. Kuro's fell to the ground, Mahiru's eyes are crying for laughing too much, Misono's fist is againist the wall also hold his stomach, Lily's rolling over and over on the ground, Hugh's holds Tetsu's hand tightly, Tetsu's, like Jeje, hold back his laughter by his big palm, Mikuni's head facing towrad to the celling, sitting on the ground, legs moving rapidly, Sakuya's lying on the ground, his fist slam the ground repeatly fast and Tsubak- 


Everything was getting fun, until Licht came up with a white bath-robe, semi-wet hair, pi-*cough,cough* black, wool slippers, body's dripping water

"What's wrong with you guys? I heard strong laughter from the bath? Anyway, what's for brea-"


The chandelier fell

It crash to million pieces

Also made the floor broke

Lawless still alive

They rescued him

With laughter

But the chandelier broke

Jeje and Lily face were shocked, Mikuni and Misono's too. 



* Fear of height

** pun ; Lawless say : acute angle. which is similar to a cute angle

*** Plagiarized one punch man


I'm SORRY :( for not update recently

But I have test so hope anyone here understand

I'm very, very sorry!!

But hope you readers enjoyed this chap and the pun ( i hope you will, ha ha)


Ⓛⓘⓥⓘⓝⓖ ⓉⓞⓖⓔⓣⓗⓔⓡOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora