Blue Cliff

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(Narrator POV)
They had made it to Blue Cliff. The place had almost no trees and was mainly black and grey stone. The direction they were heading was mainly east because that's where Shallow Valley was located.

On the south side of their path was mountain and on the north-east was blue water. The Sky was also a neon blue here, matching the crashing water.
Just north was more stone, but they weren't about to go in the wrong direction.

Now yes, Murphy loved it here, but he also really hated it. The mountains were covered in dangerous animals, the water was infested with deadly creatures and right down the wide path that they were being forced to use were the mind tricks.

Normally, Murphy didn't care because he'd just fly over everything to one of his houses that resided in a safe pocket. No way was he about to fly 51 people across an entire clan. They were going the quickest and physically safest route possible and they'd just have to deal with the mental scarring. This place could be... tricky, to say the least.

In truth, this place was almost as scary as Delphi. And to make matters worse, they were headed to Shallow Valley and then Broadleaf. Two places that could also be terrifying. Safe to say, Murphy was not excited.

They were quickly approaching a black stone castle with grey doors. Murphy put on his mask and knocked on the door, which opened to show one guard who was wearing all navy blue.

The guard immediately let them in when he saw Murphy. When they got in, it was a room that was completely grey and blue. The walls were grey with a stone staircase spiraling around and the ground was painted to look like water. In the middle was a black throne, decorated with sapphires and diamonds.

On the throne sat a man, who was wearing black pants and boots with a grey shirt and navy blue cape. The cape had light blue fur edges and was encrusted with diamonds and sapphires, just like the throne. The leader also held a silver cane that had a neon blue orb sat at the top.

The man himself, was sort of in between tan and pale with long black hair that laid on his shoulder in a waist length braid. He had piercing neon blue eyes and a silver crown.

The man gave a smile that kind of mixed with a smirk. "Survivor. You've returned." He said in a silky tone. Blue Cliff was sort of known as the shady yet charming clan.

"That I have, Sapphire. I just thought I'd tell you that we're passing through. These are the Sky people, by the way." Murphy said with a wave of his hand. He liked the Blue Cliff people, he just knew that he'd never trust them.

"Ah, yes. That's all fine and well." He grinned. Then he turned to the Sky people. "Welcome to my humble clan." He chuckled then laid eyes on Raven. He smirked and sauntered up to her. He took her hand and kissed it while keeping eye contact with Raven, who seemed equally surprised and unimpressed. "Especially you, my dear." He grinned cheekily.

Murphy quickly walked up and removed her hand from his. "Yes, thank you for flirting with my girlfriend. Now, back off before I gut you." He said calmly, with only a bit of a snarl.

"Oh, my apologies! I was unaware that you were hot enough to score her as a date. I haven't even seen your face, after all." Said Sapphire genuinely, even though he sounded a bit sarcastic.

"Yeah, you're gonna see my knife in your heart if you don't shut up." Murphy said as he gave the man a warning glance. Even with the mask, he was sending off some very threatening vibes. Murphy had become very good at showing emotion through body language and words, rather than expressions.

"Of course. Won't happen again. Now, please be careful on your journey. You know how dangerous Blue Cliff can be." Warned the leader. He knew that Murphy had forgiven him and was just a tad angry still.

Murphy nodded and thanked him as they walked out. He wasn't even that mad, he just felt like threatening him. Him and Sapphire were constantly teasing and threatening each other just for fun.

Everyone was actually relatively close to his house so the walk was short.

They approached a medium sized house that had grey siding with a black roof and door. There were a few windows around and he had a nice little patio. They got up to the door and Murphy pulled out a key with a black and grey top. They walked in after he unlocked the door and were pretty impressed with the house.

At the back were two black doors for a bedroom and bathroom. All of the walls were grey except for the back one which was painted neon blue. The floor was black hardwood and the windows all had white curtains. On the right was a kitchen with black countertops and white cabinets. The fridge and stove were steel and placed carefully around the kitchen. On the left was the living room with a tv, a blue sectional sofa, and a glass coffee table. There were white shelves lining the back wall that was covered in books, movies and decor. Themed art and decor was all over and there were a few plants placed around.

Everyone made themselves comfortable and they all went to do separate activities.

Nobody knew that tomorrow would almost break some of them.

A/N hi. Sorry, it's pretty short, but the next one is probably gonna be ridiculous.

Also, I only write PG couple content so idk, you'll have to use your imagination for that. <3 Basically, I highly doubt any of them would wait for marriage. 😂

This story is labeled mature because of the violence and sensitive topics.

Hope you enjoy and keep reading!

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