I'll Always Survive

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(Narrator POV)
They woke up in the morning and started walking again. They were strolling on the cliffs still, even though it wasn't the safest route. They were relatively close to Blue Cliff now and everyone was pretty excited to leave Rock Line. It's not that the place was bad, just very hot.

They hadn't talked about the alliance again yet because Murphy was still thinking about it. He didn't really want one, but he didn't hate the idea as much as he used to. Now, Murphy has never been considered fair, but it would be pretty unfair if every clan had an alliance except the sky people. The Sky people had hurt Murphy, but some of the ones who hurt him were gone and a couple of the ones left had been his friends at some point.

There were 51 of them, actually 46 if you didn't count the cat, Luna, Echo, Lincoln and Aspen. He didn't know 30 of them. He liked Finn, Harper, Jasper, Monty, Maia, Miller, Fox and Octavia. He was trying to forgive Bellamy, he hated Clarke, Raven was his girlfriend, and some were acquaintances. So Murphy wasn't really sure what to do, but he was trying to decide.

It's one thing to hate a person, but an entire group of people, some of which he was friends with and had done nothing wrong? It wasn't as reasonable. Murphy was resentful and he could hold grudges like nobody's business, but there was no grudge to hold or thing to resent with a good majority of the Sky people. A lot of them had tried to stop the hanging, others didn't participate at all and then some had helped in the process. Safe to say, he was conflicted.

Basically, bad Murphy voted no, good Murphy couldn't decide and the Survivor voted yes. Of course, this is mainly a metaphor to say that he can't decide, but still.

Suddenly, a ticking was heard and everyone froze. Murphy was at the very front of the group by himself and he knew that sound meant bad news. Just as he was about to turn and tell them to run, a bomb exploded and he went flying. Nobody else was hit, but he was soaring over the valley.

He landed on the other side, on his side. He looked around with confusion. "How did I survive that!?" He shouted to the group of stunned teenagers on the other side of the canyon.

Bellamy responded. " I have no clue. More importantly right now, how will you get back?" He hollered towards the warrior. He decided to think about how he had made it later and focus more on what happened.

Murphy turned into a black hawk and flew across. When he made it back, he landed and turned back into human form. Just as he started looking at where the bomb was, he got hit by another. This time he was shoved into the valley by the blast and he landed on his back.

Monty, Raven, Finn and a few others had seen something strange happen around Murphy during the blast. It looked like white, blue, red, and green lights had emanated from his body.

"Murphy! Are you using the forcefield?!" Yelled Monty. He didn't think it was a forcefield because that had looked more purple.

Murphy groaned as he stood back up. "No." He grumbled just loud enough for them to hear. He wasn't really hurt, but he had gotten the wind knocked out of him.

"I think that you've unlocked more powers!" Hollered Monty with a bit of glee. All the stuff about the Survivor simply fascinated him. I mean, Murphy had superpowers for heaven's sake! Who wouldn't be excited at the prospect.

"Oh, joy!" Murphy answered sarcastically. He was thankful for his powers. He'd just be more thankful if he didn't need to get blown up to unlock them.

He climbed back up, but this time when the bomb went off, he froze it. He grinned down at his hands. He flicked his fingers and a flame appeared.

"Elements. I always wanted that one." He smiled happily. He had been hoping to get that one since the very beginning. He didn't even know why he wanted it so badly, but he did. So now, he had fire/lava/heat, water/cold/ice, earth/rock/plants, and air. Murphy didn't use his powers that often, but it was still cool to get more.

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