Who Are You

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A/N hi! Quick note, I decided that I'm gonna have Maia be one of the Sky people so that her and Jasper  can be together. Hope you enjoy!

Also blood and gore warning! <3

(Narrator POV)
After the whole minefield fiasco they started walking again. It was around 10pm now and they had been walking for about 3 hours, finally they started heading to a little beige house.

It was a perfect square with a flat top that was made from the same material as the rest. It was the same color as the sand and looked like it was made of dried clay. It was pretty small, but spacious and had a few scattered windows. There was a set of stairs on one side of the house that led up to the roof so you could go and stand on top of it. There was a sliding glass door on the front that showed a glimpse to the inside but since it was dark inside and outside of the house they couldn't see anything but shadows.

"Welcome to my humble abode." The Survivor bowed dramatically while gesturing toward the house. He then stood up straight again and walked toward the door. He pulled a silver key out of his bag, The key had some beige paint on the top, probably to remind him of which house it belonged to.

He unlocked the door and walked in while holding it open for everyone. He flipped on the light, emitting a warm glow across the room. The inside was actually fairly pretty. On the windows were navy blue curtains, the floor was polished beige. The walls were painted to look like a sunset and the ceiling was covered in hieroglyphics and drawings. On the right side from the door was a small kitchen that had big beige rocks with polished tops as the counters alongside silver barstools. He had a white stove and fridge placed amongst the rock. On the left was a living room with a brown couch and a fuzzy white rug. On top of the rug was another tan rock with a polished top as his coffee table. The left wall had two dark brown bookshelves that had decor, books, CDs and records lined up on them. In between the two shelves was a record player with a shelf above that held a CD player. All around was blue, red and orange decor and trinkets. Across from the front door were two other white doors, presumably his bedroom and a bathroom.

"We're gonna stay here and rest for about an hour but then we gotta go again because we don't wanna waste these cool hours. There's extra water in the fridge and some food in the cabinets. Three rules; don't eat all my food, don't touch my white rug because you'll get it dirty and finally don't break anything. If you break these simple rules, I break your wrist. We clear? Great."

They all got comfortable in some way and avoided the rug. Raven, Finn and Bellamy had managed to get the couch to themselves while everyone else was either on the floor or on the 3 barstools. The Survivor ended up sitting in front of the couch with his back against the front of the armrest and his shoulder lightly resting against Raven's leg.

They were all very tired but would much rather travel during colder hours then in the blazing sun.

The Survivor stood up after awhile and put a record in the record player. He put in the Purple Rain album by Prince. Purple rain was the first song to come on.

He loved most genres and ages of music. He was in a Prince mood however so that was what he played.

He started humming it and then he heard Raven humming too. He looked at her and then they made eye contact (she didn't know that because of his mask but none the less.). She stopped humming for a second then he walked up and offered her his hand. "May I have this dance m'lady?" He snickered a bit at how fancy that sounded. She looked at him oddly, but then nodded with a smile and took his hand. She wasn't expecting this at all, but she loved all kinds of music and she adored Purple Rain.

The SurvivorOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz